pp. 43-46
Voter Registration Drives and Turnout: A Report on the Harlem Electorate
Charles V. Hamilton suggests that the intensive efforts to register minority voters are not being matched by equal efforts to turn out those newly registered voters on election day. He concludes that this pattern impedes maximum political effectiveness among minority voters.
Challenging the Civil Rights Establishment: Profiles of a New Black Vanguard, Joseph G. Conti and Brad Stetson Reviewed by Charles V. Hamilton
The Dual Agenda of African American Organizations since the New Deal: Social Welfare Policies and Civil Rights, Dona Cooper Hamilton and Charles V. Hamilton
Jesse Jackson's 1984 Presidential Campaign: Challenge and Change in American Politics, Ronald Walters and Lucius J. Barker Reviewed by Charles V. Hamilton
Racial Formation in the United States from the 1960s to the 1980s, Michael Omi and Howard Winant Reviewed by Charles V. Hamilton
Social Policy and the Welfare of Black Americans: From Rights to Resources, Charles V. Hamilton
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