Content in

Volume 83 - Number 3 - September 1968

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Consensus and Dissent in Ghana
Jack Goody

pp. 337-352

The Polish Intelligentsia and the Socialist Order: Elements of Ideological Compatibility
Solomon John Rawin

pp. 353-377

The Myth of Hyperfactualism in the Study of American Politics
Martin Landau

pp. 378-399

Charles Gravier de Vergennes: Profile of an Old Regime Diplomat
Orville T. Murphy

pp. 400-418

Unlimited Debate in the Senate: The First Phase
Richard R. Beeman

pp. 419-434

Modern International Negotiation: Principles and Practice, Arthur Lall
Reviewed by Wolfgang Friedmann

pp. 435-436

Disarmament and World Economic Interdependence, Emile Benoit and Nils Petter Gleditsch
Reviewed by Robert Triffin

pp. 436-438

The Nation is Burdened: American Foreign Policy in a Changing World, Roger D. Masters
Reviewed by William Appleman Williams

pp. 438-439

Economic Development and American Foreign Policy, 1943-62, David A. Baldwin
Reviewed by C. Lowell Hariss

pp. 439-441

The Inter-American System, Gordon Connell-Smith
Reviewed by Thomas F. McGann

pp. 441-442

Diplomats, Scientists, and Politicians: The United States and the Nuclear Test Ban Negotiations, Harold Karan Jacobson and Eric Stein
Reviewed by Alice Kimball Smith

pp. 443-444

Central Asia: A Century of Russian Rule, Edward Allworth
Reviewed by Richard Pipes

pp. 444-446

Managerial Power and Soviet Politics, Jeremy R. Azrael
Reviewed by Joseph S. Berliner

pp. 446-447

Khrushchev and the Soviet Leadership, 1957-1964, Carl A. Linden
Reviewed by Myron Rush

pp. 447-449

Patterns of Soviet Thought: The Origins and Development of Dialectical and Historical Materialism, Richard T. De George
Reviewed by D. Joravsky

pp. 449-450

The Evolution of Dialectical Materialism: A Philosophical and Sociological Analysis, Z. A. Jordan
Reviewed by George Lichtheim

pp. 451-452

Biddle's Bank, The Crucial Years, Jean Alexander Wilburn
Reviewed by Nathan Miller

pp. 452-453

The Oregon Question: Essays in Anglo-American Diplomacy and Politics, Frederick Merk
Reviewed by Julius W. Pratt

pp. 453-454

The Shrine of Party: Congressional Voting Behavior, 1841-1852, Joel H. Silbey
Reviewed by David Donald

pp. 455-456

The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Vol. I: 1856-1880, Arthur S. Link
Reviewed by Elting Morison

pp. 456-458

Joseph Pulitzer and the New York World, George Juergens
Reviewed by Mark D. Hirsch

pp. 458-460

The Communist Controversy in Washington: From the New Deal to McCarthy, Earl Latham
Reviewed by Thomas C. Reeves

pp. 460-462

Ambition and Politics: Political Careers in the United States, Joseph A. Schlesinger
Reviewed by Duane Lockard

pp. 462-463

Adlai Stevenson: A Study in Values, Herbert J. Muller
Reviewed by Carl McGowan

pp. 463-464

Negroes and the New Southern Politics, James W. Prothro and Donald R. Matthews
Reviewed by Thomas F. Pettigrew

pp. 464-466

The Negro in Federal Employment: The Quest for Equal Opportunity, Samuel Krislov ; The Negro Worker, Ray Marshall
Reviewed by Lester C. Thurow

pp. 466-467

Married Women in the Labor Force: An Economic Analysis, Glen G. Cain
Reviewed by James N. Morgan

pp. 467-469

Workers, Employers and Governments: A Comparative Study of Delegations and Groups at the International Labour Conference, 1919-1964, Torsten Landelius
Reviewed by Walter Galenson

pp. 469-470

The Financial Revolution in England. A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688-1756, P. G. M. Dickson
Reviewed by Barry Supple

pp. 470-471

The Troubled Giant: Britain among the Great Powers, 1916-1939, F. S. Northedge
Reviewed by David Owen

pp. 471-473

The Growth of the British Party System, Ivor Bulmer-Thomas
Reviewed by Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.

pp. 473-474

The British General Election of 1966, D. E. Butler and Anthony King
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 474-475

The International Law Standard and Commonwealth Developments, Robert R. Wilson
Reviewed by K. C. Wheare

pp. 476-477

The Early Rousseau, Mario Einaudi
Reviewed by Judith N. Shklar

pp. 477-478

The Outlawed Party: Social Democracy in Germany, 1878-1890, Vernon L. Lidtke
Reviewed by Andreas Dorpalen

pp. 478-479

Albert Ballin, Business and Politics in Imperial Germany, 1888-1918, Lamar Cecil
Reviewed by Fritz Redlich

pp. 480-482

Parliament in the German Political System, Gerhard Loewenberg
Reviewed by Lewis J. Edinger

pp. 482-484

City and Regional Planning in Poland, Jack C. Fisher
Reviewed by Curtis J. Berger

pp. 484-485

Les Regions Italiennes, Claude Palazzoli
Reviewed by Joseph LaPalombara

pp. 485-486

Organizational Intelligence: Knowledge and Policy in Government and Industry, Harold L. Wilensky
Reviewed by Raymond Bauer

pp. 487-488

Africa in Search of Democracy, K. A. Busia
Reviewed by Rupert Emerson

pp. 488-489

Towards a Pax Africana: A Study of Ideology and Ambition, Ali A. Mazrui ; Dream of Unity: Pan-Africanism and Political Unification in West Africa, Claude E. Welch
Reviewed by Aristide R. Zolberg

pp. 489-491

African Diplomacy: Studies in the Determinants of Foreign Policy, Frederick A. Praeger and Vernon McKay
Reviewed by Immanuel Wallerstein

pp. 491-492

Minority Politics in the Punjab, Baldev Raj Nayar
Reviewed by Joan V. Bondurant

pp. 492-493

China Market: America's Quest for Informal Empire, 1893-1901, Thomas J. McCormick
Reviewed by Ernest R. May

pp. 493-495

The Social Democratic Movement in Prewar Japan, George Oakley Totten
Reviewed by Marius B. Jansen

pp. 495-496

Socialist Parties in Postwar Japan, George O. Totten, Allen B. Cole and Cecil H. Uyehara ; The Japanese Communist Movement, 1920-1966, Robert A. Scalapino
Reviewed by Yasumasa Kuroda

pp. 496-498

The Communist Movement in Iran, Sepehr Zabih
Reviewed by Nikki R. Keddie

pp. 498-499

A Village Economy: Land and People of Huecorio, Michael Belshaw
Reviewed by Arthur L. Stinchcombe

pp. 499-500

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