Content in

Volume 87 - Number 2 - June 1972

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The Pentagon Papers--A Discussion
George McGovern, John P. Roche

pp. 173-191

Invasion of Privacy: A Clarification of Concepts
Louis Lusky

pp. 192-209

Roosevelt and Truman on Yalta: The Origins of the Cold War
Athan Theoharis

pp. 210-241

On the Implementation of the Potsdam Agreement: An Essay on U.S. Postwar German Policy
John Gimbel

pp. 242-269

On the Two Diverging-Sector Model of Social Development
Charles Issawi

pp. 270-272

China & Russia: The "Great Game", O. Edmund Clubb
Reviewed by Harrison E. Salisbury

pp. 273-275

The Struggle for the Middle East: The Soviet Union in the Mediterranean, 1958-1968, Walter Laqueur ; Soviet Russia and the Middle East, Aaron S. Klieman
Reviewed by Oles M. Smolansky

pp. 275-277

Integration and Disintegration in NATO: Processes of Alliance Cohesion and Prospects for Atlantic Community, Francis A. Beer ; NATO: The Transatlantic Bargain, Harlan Cleveland
Reviewed by Annette Baker Fox

pp. 277-279

The End of Glory: An Interpretation of the Origins of World War II, Laurence Lafore
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 279-280

Organized Complexity: Empirical Theories of Political Development, Ronald D. Brunner and Garry D. Brewer
Reviewed by W. W. Rostow

pp. 280-282

Socialist Management and Planning: Topics in Comparative Socialist Economics, Nicolas Spulber
Reviewed by Maurice Dobb

p. 282

Europe in the Russian Mirror: Four Lectures in Economic History, Alexander Gerschenkron
Reviewed by Alfred J. Rieber

p. 283

Russia from 1812 to 1945: A History, Graham Stephenson
Reviewed by Melvin C. Wren

pp. 284-285

The Organs of Soviet Administration of Justice: Their History and Operation, Samuel Kucherov
Reviewed by Harold J. Berman

pp. 285-286

East Germany, David Childs ; Germany: Illusions and Dilemmas, Carl Landauer
Reviewed by Helmut Gruber

pp. 286-289

Public Opinion in Occupied Germany: The OMGUS Surveys, 1945-1949, Richard L. Merritt, Anna J. Merritt and Frederick W. Williams
Reviewed by Ferenc A. Váli

pp. 289-290

Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs, Albert Speer, Richard Winston, Clara Winston and Eugene Davidson
Reviewed by Gordon A. Craig

pp. 290-292

The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership, Michael Bullock and Joachim C. Fest ; The German Resistance to Hitler, Hermann Graml, Hans Mommsen, Hans-Joachim Reichardt and Ernest Wolf
Reviewed by John Weiss

pp. 292-293

Economic Policy and Planning in the Netherlands, 1950-1965, James Goodear Abert
Reviewed by Stanislaw Wellisz

pp. 294-295

Trieste, 1941-1954: The Ethnic, Political, and Ideological Struggle, Bogdan C. Novak
Reviewed by J. B. Hoptner

pp. 295-296

Diplomat in Paris, 1936-1939: Memoirs of Juliusz Lukasiewicz, Ambassador of Poland, Wacław Jȩdrzejewicz
Reviewed by Josef Korbel

pp. 296-297

Agrarian Reform and Peasant Revolution in Spain: Origins of the Civil War, Edward E. Malefakis
Reviewed by E. J. Hobsbawm

pp. 298-299

Revolution and Church: The Early History of Christian Democracy, 1789-1901, Hans Maier and Emily M. Schossberger
Reviewed by Rocco Caporale

pp. 299-301

Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen, Pierre Goubert and Anne Carter ; Memoires for the Instruction of the Dauphin, Louis XIV and Paul Sonnino
Reviewed by Orest Ranum

pp. 301-304

The Emerging City: Paris in the Age of Louis XIV, Leon Bernard
Reviewed by David H. Pinkney

pp. 304-305

The Court and the Country: The Beginning of the English Revolution, Perez Zagorin ; Orange and Stuart, 1641-1672, Pieter Geyl and Arnold Pomerans
Reviewed by Richard S. Dunn

pp. 305-307

Colonial Issues in British Politics, 1945-1961: From `Colonial Development' to `Wind of Change', David Goldsworthy
Reviewed by Richard W. Lyman

pp. 307-308

The Sociology of British Communism, Kenneth Newton
Reviewed by Earl Browder

pp. 308-309

Province of Freedom: A History of Sierra Leone, 1787-1870, John Peterson
Reviewed by George O. Roberts

pp. 310-311

African Elite: The Big Men of a Small Town, Joan Vincent
Reviewed by John Beattie

pp. 311-313

Change at Shebika: Report from a North African Village, Frances Frenaye and Jean Duvignaud
Reviewed by Vincent Crapanzano

pp. 313-314

Revolution and Political Leadership: Algeria, 1954-1968, William B. Quandt
Reviewed by William J. Foltz

pp. 314-316

Communist China and Latin America, 1959-1967, Cecil Johnson
Reviewed by Richard R. Fagen

pp. 316-318

The Colonial Heritage of Latin America: Essays on Economic Dependence in Perspective, Stanley J. Stein and Barbara H. Stein
Reviewed by Anthony Leeds

pp. 318-319

The Abolition of the Brazilian Slave Trade: Britain, Brazil and the Slave Trade Question, 1807-1869, Leslie Bethel ; The Negro in Brazilian Society, Florestan Fernandes, J. D. Skiles, A. Brunel and A. Rothwell
Reviewed by Roy A. Glasgow

pp. 319-321

Language and Ethnic Relations in Canada, Stanley Lieberson
Reviewed by Philippe Garigue

pp. 321-322

Revolutionary Politics in Massachusetts: The Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Towns, 1772-1774, Richard D. Brown
Reviewed by Jackson Turner Main

pp. 322-323

Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation: A Biography, Merrill D. Peterson
Reviewed by Jacob E. Cooke

pp. 324-325

The Discovery of the Asylum: Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic, David J. Rothman
Reviewed by Gerald N. Grob

pp. 325-326

Charles Sumner and the Rights of Man, David Donald
Reviewed by Glyndon G. Van Deusen

pp. 327-328

Tammany: The Evolution of a Political Machine, 1789-1865, Jerome Mushkat
Reviewed by Wallace S. Sayre

pp. 328-330

Letters of Louis D. Brandeis, Vol. I (1870-1907): Urban Reformer, Melvin I. Urofsky and David W. Levy ; A Mind of One Piece: Brandeis and American Reform, Melvin I. Urofsky
Reviewed by Osmond K. Fraenkel

pp. 330-333

Securities Regulation and the New Deal, Michael E. Parrish
Reviewed by Donald Dewey

pp. 333-334

The Supreme Commander: The War Years of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Stephen E. Ambrose
Reviewed by Michael Howard

pp. 334-335

Seeds of Repression: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of McCarthyism, Athan Theoharis
Reviewed by Thomas C. Reeves

pp. 335-336

Black Economic Development, William F. Haddad and G. Douglas Pugh
Reviewed by Roger E. Alcaly

pp. 336-338

Politics of Social Research: An Inquiry into the Ethics and Responsibilities of Social Scientists, Ralph L. Beals
Reviewed by Robert W. Ehrich

pp. 340-341

Anthropology and the Behavioral and Health Sciences, Otto von Mering and Leonard Kasdan
Reviewed by Alexander Alland

pp. 341-342

A Behavioral Approach to Historical Analysis, Robert F. Berkhofer
Reviewed by Robin W. Winks

pp. 342-343

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