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Volume 96 - Number 2 - Summer 1981

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UDAG: Trageting Urban Economic Development
Jerry A. Webman uses statistical and case-study methods to analyze Urban Development Action Grants made between April 1978 and January 1980. He find that the grants supported private investment that was largely in line with prevailing urbanization patterns and that grant money went disproportionately to the most economically distressed cities eligible for the programs.

pp. 189-207

Strategic Vulnerability of a Multinational State: Deterring the Soviet Union
Gary L. Guertner examines the multinational structure of the Soviet state and its resulting vulnerability in the context of the Soviet-American mutual deterrence relationship. He argues that geopolitical and ethnographic variables are as important as weapons characteristics in maintaining the stability of the strategic balance.

pp. 209-223

The Demise of Canada's Confederation
Donald E. Nuechterlein argues that Canada's 114-year-old constitutional system is undergoing a profound change under the leadership of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and that the result could be either a strengthening of the federal authority or a further decentralization, even fragmentation, of the country.

pp. 225-240

Indira's India: Democracy and Crisis Government
Aaron S. Klieman takes issue with the general tendency to dismiss the 1975-1977 emergency period in India as a brief departure from democratic government. Emphasizing the structural and behavioral weaknesses exposed by crisis rule, Klieman uses India to illustrate the likelihood of a residue of undemocratic practices enduring even after the successful termination of an emergency.

pp. 241-259

Presidential Press-Conference Schedules: Who Hides, and When?
William W. Lammers examines data on the frequency and regularity of press conferences for all presidents since Franklin Roosevelt. Lammers concludes that the tendency toward press conference avoidance during crisis situations is a serious limitation on their effectiveness as an avenue for public scrutiny of presidential action.

pp. 261-278

Voluntary Retirement, Incumbency, and the Modern House
JOSEPH COOPER and William West analyze the growth in voluntary retirement among congressmen during the past decade. They attribute the trend to increased job dissatisfaction and they analyze the significance of voluntary retirement with respect to patterns of tenure and institutional change.

pp. 279-300

Presidential Reorganization Authority: Is It Worth the Cost?
Louis Fisher and Ronald C. Moe review the federal government experience with the executive reorganization plan process. They conclude that the drawbacks of the process are so serious that the executive and legislative branches would both benefit by not renewing the authority, which expired in April 1981.

pp. 301-318

Changing of the Guard: Power and Leadership in America, David S. Broder
Reviewed by Mark L. Wolf

pp. 319-320

Dean Rusk, Warren I. Cohen
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 320-321

Inequality in an Age of Decline, Paul Blumberg
Reviewed by Kenneth E. Boulding

pp. 321-323

Injury to Insult: Unemployment, Class, and Political Response, Sidney Verba and Kay Lehman Schlozman
Reviewed by M. Kenneth Bowler

pp. 323-324

What Should Be Taxed: Income or Expenditure?, Joseph A. Pechman
Reviewed by Bruce F. Davie

pp. 325-326

The Defense Industry, Jacques S. Gansler
Reviewed by Thomas L. McNaugher

pp. 326-327

Machine Politics in Transition: Party and Community in Chicago, Thomas M. Guterbock
Reviewed by Amy Bridges

pp. 327-328

Who Votes?, Raymond E. Wolfinger and Steven J. Rosenstone
Reviewed by Joseph A. Pika

pp. 328-329

One Nation Divisible: Class, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States Since 1938, Richard Polenberg
Reviewed by Richard Hamilton

pp. 330-331

Presidential Secrecy and Deception: Beyond the Power to Persuade, John M. Orman
Reviewed by Caren Dubnorf

pp. 331-332

Vertification and SALT: The Challenge of Strategic Deception, William C. Potter
Reviewed by Vernard A. Lanphier

pp. 333-334

Arabia, the Gulf and the West: A Critical View of the Arabs and Their Oil Policy, J. B. Kelly
Reviewed by Elime A. Nakhleh

pp. 334-335

Paved with Good Intentions: The American Experience and Iran, Barry Rubin
Reviewed by Jerrold D. Green

pp. 335-336

Defending the National Interest: Raw Material Investments and U.S. Foreign Policy, Stephen D. Krasner
Reviewed by Peter F. Cowhey

pp. 336-338

The United States in the 1980's, Alvin Rabushka and Peter Duignan
Reviewed by Richard Ned Lebow

pp. 338-339

Presidents and Prime Ministers, Richard Rose and Ezra N. Suleiman
Reviewed by Don A. Mele

pp. 339-341

Unelected Representatives: Congressional Staff and the Future of Representatives Government, Michael J. Malbin
Reviewed by Judith H. Parris

pp. 341-342

The Implementation Perspective: A Guide for Managing Social Service Delivery Programs, Walter Williams
Reviewed by Robert T. Nakamura

pp. 342-343

America's Housing: Prospects and Problems, George Sternlieb
Reviewed by Peter Marcuse

pp. 343-345

Managing Community Development in the New Federalism, Donald F. Kettl
Reviewed by Charles H. Levine

pp. 345-347

The Political Economy of Regulation: Creating, Designing and Removing Regulatory Forms, Barry M. Mitnick
Reviewed by Robert A. Katzman

pp. 347-348

The Duping of the American Voter: Dishonesty and Deception in Presidential Television Advertising, Robet Spero
Reviewed by Paul Halpern

pp. 348-349

Subliminal Politics: Myths and Mythmakers in America, Dan Nimmo and James E. Combs
Reviewed by Max J. Skidmore

pp. 349-350

Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era: Liberalism and Race, John B. Kirby
Reviewed by John A. Davis

pp. 352-353

The Old Revolutionaries: Political Lives in the Age of Samuel Adams, Pauline Maier
Reviewed by James M. Banner

pp. 353-354

The Churchill Coalition, 1940-1945, J. M. Lee
Reviewed by Arthur Cyr

pp. 354-355

Britain's Economic Performance, Richard E. Caves and Lawrence B. Krause
Reviewed by James E. Alt

pp. 355-357

The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty, James Jacobs
Reviewed by Charles F. Doran

pp. 357-358

Soviet Economic Thought and Political Power in the USSR, Aron Katsenelinboigen
Reviewed by Deborah Duff Milenkovitch

pp. 358-359

The Politics of Grandeur: Ideological Aspects of de Gaulle's Foreign Policy, Philip G. Cerny
Reviewed by Michael M. Harrison

pp. 359-361

The Other Western Europe: A Political Analysis of the Smaller Democracies, Earl H. Fry
Reviewed by Annette Baker Fox

pp. 361-362

Multinationals in Latin America: The Politics of Nationalization, Paul Sigmund
Reviewed by Jorge Heine

pp. 362-363

Decisions in Crisis: Israel, 1967 and 1973, Michael Breacher and Benjamin Geist
Reviewed by Lewis Brownstrein

pp. 363-364

Humanity in Warfare, Geoffrey Best
Reviewed by James T. Johnson

pp. 364-365

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