The Causes of Wars, Michael Howard Reviewed by Donald Kagan
pp. 345-346
The Future of Central America: Policy Choices for the U.S. and Mexico, Richard R. Fagen and Olga Pellicer, eds. Reviewed by Douglas A. Chalmers
pp. 346-347
The Cuban Threat, Carla Anne Robbins Reviewed by Jorge I. DomĂnguez
pp. 347-349
The Giant's Rival: The USSR and Latin America, Cole Blasier Reviewed by Robert Wesson
pp. 349-350
The Politics of Nuclear Balance: Ambiguity and Continuity in Strategic Policies, William H. Baugh Reviewed by Garry D. Brewer
pp. 350-351
The Threat: Inside the Soviet Military Machine, Andrew Cockburn Reviewed by Andrew C. Goldberg
pp. 351-353
Soviet Power and Western Negotiating Policies (Vol. 1: The Soviet Asset: Military Power in the Competition Over Europe; Vol. 2: The Western Panacea: Constraining Soviet Power Through Negotiation), Uwe Nerlich, ed. Reviewed by Gerald Segal
pp. 353-354
U.S.-Asian Relations: The National Security Paradox, James C. Hsiung, ed. Reviewed by Stephen Pelz
pp. 355-356
Society and Politics in Hong Kong, Lau Siu-kai Reviewed by James D. Seymour
pp. 356-357
The Nuclear Future, Michael Mandelbaum Reviewed by Donald M. Snow
pp. 357-358
Mimicking Sisyphus: America's Countervailing Nuclear Strategy, Louis Rene Beres Reviewed by Richard H. Bald
pp. 358-360
The Birth of NATO, Nicholas Henderson Reviewed by H. Bradford Westerfield
pp. 360-361
Who Rules America Now? A View for the '80s, G. William Domhoff Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser
pp. 361-362
Quick Analysis for Busy Decision Makers, Robert D. Behn and James W. Vaupel Reviewed by Howard S. Bloom
pp. 362-363
Studying the Presidency, Stephen J. Wayne and George C. Edwards III, eds. Reviewed by Richard M. Pious
pp. 364-365
The Burger Court: The Counter-Revolution That Wasn't, Vincent Blasi, ed. Reviewed by Robert H. Birkby
pp. 365-366
The Truth About Supply-Side Economics, Michael K. Evans Reviewed by Paul Craig Roberts
pp. 366-367
Why Teachers Organized, Wayne J. Urban Reviewed by Amy Bridges
pp. 367-368
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Edward R. Tufte Reviewed by Robert Y. Shapiro
pp. 369-370
Channels of Power: The Impact of Television on American Politics, Austin Ranney ;
Over the Wire and on TV: CBS and UPI in Campaign '80, Michael J. Robinson and Margaret A. Sheehan ;
Television Coverage of the 1980 Presidential Campaign, William C. Adams, ed. Reviewed by Doris A. Graber
pp. 370-372
Beyond Separate Spheres: Intellectual Roots of Modern Feminism, Rosalind Rosenberg Reviewed by Christine A. Lunardini
pp. 372-374
The Republican Right Since 1945, David W. Reinhard Reviewed by Kevin Phillips
pp. 374-375
Macroeconomics and Micropolitics: The Electoral Effects of Economic Issues, D. Roderick Kiewiet Reviewed by Patrick A. Pierce
pp. 375-376
Rental Housing in the 1980s, Anthony Downs Reviewed by E. S. Savas
pp. 376-377
Regulation and the Courts: The Case of the Clean Air Act, R. Shep Melnick Reviewed by Richard J. Tobin
pp. 378-379
Allies: Pearl Harbor to D-Day, John S. D. Eisenhower ;
Churchill and de Gaulle, Francois Kersaudy Reviewed by James D. Wilkinson
pp. 379-381
The Changing Anatomy of Britain, Anthony Sampson Reviewed by Jorgen Rasmussen
pp. 381-382
International Policy Formation in the USSR: Factional "Debates" during the Zhdanovshchina, Gavriel D. Ra'anan Reviewed by Francis B. Randall
pp. 382-383
National Foreign Policies and European Political Cooperation, Christopher Hill Reviewed by Nancy Meriwether Wingfield
pp. 384-385
The Origins of the Cultural Revolution: Vol. 2, The Great Leap Forward 1958-1960, Roderick MacFarquhar Reviewed by Steven I. Levine
pp. 385-386
Exiled in Paradise: German Refugee Artists and Intellectuals in America, from the 1930's to the Present, Anthony Heilbut Reviewed by Hans W. Gatzke
pp. 386-387
Conflict and Cohesion in Socialist Yugoslavia: Political Decision Making Since 1966, Steven L. Burg Reviewed by Frank Dinka
pp. 387-388
The International Economy and Industrial Development: Trade and Investment in the Thrid World, Robert H. Ballance, Javed A. Ansari and Hans W. Singer Reviewed by Bela Balassa
pp. 388-390
Military Service in the United States, Brent Scowcroft, ed. Reviewed by David R. Segal
pp. 390-391
America and the Survivors of the Holocaust, Leonard Dinnerstein Reviewed by Arthur A. Goren
pp. 391-392
Soviet Strategic Forces: Requirements and Responses, Robert P. Berman and John C. Baker Reviewed by John Van Oudenaren
pp. 393-394