Content in

Volume 35 - Number 3 - September 1920

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Why the War Came as a Surprise
J. A. Hobson

pp. 337-359

The Constitution of the Peace Conference
Preston Slosson

pp. 360-371

The Colonial Agent as a Popular Representative
Beverley W. Bond

pp. 372-392

The Coldward Course of Progress
S. C. GilFillan

pp. 393-410

The Supreme Court and the Constitution 1919-1920
Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 411-439

The German War Lords on their Defence
Bernadotte E. Schmitt

pp. 440-456

Histories of Labor
Leon Ardzrooni

pp. 457-466

The Economic Consequences of the Peace, John Maynard Keynes
Reviewed by Thorstein Veblen

pp. 467-472

The Inside Story of the Peace Conference, Edward J. Dillon
Reviewed by A. F. Whyte

pp. 473-476

Procopius, H. B. Dewing
Reviewed by Elbridge Colby

pp. 476-479

The Six-Hour Day and Other Industrial Questions, Lord Leverhulme ; Man to Man: The Story of Industrial Democracy, John Leitch
Reviewed by William F. Ogburn

pp. 479-482

The Nonpartisan League, Herbert E. Gaston
Reviewed by Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 482-484

Socialism in Thought and Action, Harry W. Laidler
Reviewed by Felix Grendon

pp. 484-486

International Commerce and Reconstruction, Elisha M. Friedman
Reviewed by Ordway Tead

pp. 486-488

Money and Prices, J. Laurence Laughlin ; Credit of the Nations, J. Laurence Laughlin
Reviewed by E. E. Agger

pp. 488-489

Contracts and Combinations in Restraint of Trade, Albert M. Kales
Reviewed by Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 489-491

Government Organization in War Time and After, W. F. Willoughby
Reviewed by Lindsay Rogers

pp. 491-492

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