Coping: On the Practice of Government, Daniel P. Moynihan Reviewed by Alice M. Rivlin
pp. 645-647
Political Organizations, James Q. Wilson Reviewed by Pamela Doty
pp. 647-650
Impeachment: The Constitutional Problems, Raoul Berger ;
The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson, Michael Les Benedict Reviewed by Larry R. Matheny
pp. 650-652
"God Save This Honorable Court!", Louis M. Kohlmeier ;
In His Own Image: The Supreme Court in Richard Nixon's America, James F. Simon Reviewed by D. Grier Stephenson, Jr.
pp. 652-654
The Future of Foundations, Fritz Heimann Reviewed by Elinor G. Barber
pp. 654-656
Building Coalitions: American Politics in the 1970s, Andrew M. Greeley Reviewed by James L. Sundquist
pp. 657-658
The Awesome Power: Harry S. Truman as Commander in Chief, Richard F. Haynes Reviewed by John Spanier
pp. 658-659
The Papers of Adlai E. Stevenson, Volume III: Governor of Illinois, 1949- 1953, Walter Johnson and Carol Evans Reviewed by Hermon Dunlap Smith
pp. 660-661
The Price of Vision: The Diary of Henry A. Wallace, 1942-1946, John Morton Blum ;
The Rise and Fall of the People's Century, Norman D. Markowitz Reviewed by Robert F. Campbell
pp. 661-663
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Launching the New Deal, Frank Freidel Reviewed by Stephen J. Wayne
pp. 663-665
Lawyer's Lawyer: The Life of John W. Davis, William H. Harbaugh Reviewed by Stephen Botein
pp. 665-666
Woman's Consciousness, Man's World, Sheila Rowbotham Reviewed by Annette K. Baxter
pp. 666-668
Party and Opposition: Congressional Challengers in American Politics, Jeff Fishel Reviewed by Raisa B. Deber
pp. 668-669
The Deceived Majority: Politics and Protest in Middle America, Gordon Fellman and Barbara Brandt Reviewed by Frances Fox Piven
pp. 669-671
Black City Politics, Ernest Patterson Reviewed by Shirley E. Ostholm
pp. 671-672
Reporters and Officials: The Organization and Politics of Newsmaking, Leon V. Sigal Reviewed by Doris A. Graber
pp. 672-674
Participation in America: Political Democracy and Social Equality, Sidney Verba and Norman H. Nie Reviewed by Gerald Finch
pp. 674-676
One Last Chance: The Democratic Party, 1974-76, John G. Stewart ;
The Politics of Representation: The Democratic Convention 1972, Jeffrey L. Pressman, Denis G. Sullivan, Benjamin I. Page and John J. Lyons Reviewed by Judith H. Parris
pp. 676-678
Dynamics of the Party System: Alignment and Realignment of Political Parties in the United States, James L. Sundquist Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf
pp. 678-680
Yankee Politics in Rural Vermont, Frank M. Bryan Reviewed by Louis Maisel
pp. 680-681
The Deep South States in America, Neal R. Peirce Reviewed by Clifton McCleskey
pp. 682-683
An American Philosophy of Social Security, J. Douglas Brown Reviewed by Eveline M. Burns
pp. 683-684
Politics, Science, and Dread Disease: A Short History of United States Medical Research Policy, Stephen P. Strickland Reviewed by George Rosen
pp. 684-686
Foreign Policy and U.S. Presidential Elections, 1940-1948, Robert A. Divine ;
Foreign Policy and U.S. Presidential Elections, 1952-1960, Robert A. Divine Reviewed by H. Bradford Westerfield
pp. 686-688
The Public's Impact on Foreign Policy, Bernard C. Cohen Reviewed by Michael Leigh
pp. 688-690
The Cold War in Asia: A Historical Introduction, Akira Iriye Reviewed by Walter LaFeber
pp. 690-691
Party and Faction in American Politics: The House of Representatives, 1789- 1801, Rudolph M. Bell Reviewed by Joseph Cooper
pp. 691-693
The Radical Republicans and Reform in New York During Reconstruction, James C. Mohr Reviewed by Richard L. McCormick
pp. 693-695
Mike: The Memoirs of the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson, Volume 2, 1948-1957, John A. Munro and Alex I. Inglis Reviewed by Thomas P. Peardon
pp. 695-697
By Elections in British Politics, Chris Cook and John Ramsden Reviewed by Stephen Koss
pp. 697-699
Englishmen and Irish Troubles: British Public Opinion and the Making of Irish Policy, 1918-1922, D. G. Boyce Reviewed by Nicholas Mansergh
pp. 699-700
Europe Since 1870: An International History, James Joll Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié
pp. 700-702
The Face of Defeat: Palestinian Refugees and Guerrillas, David Pryce-Jone Reviewed by Naomi Williams
pp. 702-703
Managers of Modernization: Organization and Elites in Turkey (1950-1969), Leslie L. Roos and Noralou P. Roos Reviewed by Serif Mardin
pp. 704-706
Ethnic Conflict and Political Development, Cynthia H. Enloe Reviewed by Audrey C. Smock
pp. 706-708
Marx and Burke: A Revisionist View, Ruth A. Bevan Reviewed by Michael Levin
pp. 708-709
Developing the Third World: The Experience of the Nineteen-Sixties, Ronald Robinson Reviewed by Harry G. Johnson
pp. 709-711
Urban Liberalism and Progressive Reform, John D. Buenker Reviewed by Kenneth T. Jackson
pp. 711-712