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Volume 94 - Number 1 - Spring 1979

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Patterns of Ethnic Succession: Blacks and Hispanics in New York City
Daniel Patrick Moynihan reviews the gains achieved by blacks and Hispanics in New York City over the past decade and relates those gains to general patterns of ethnic succession.

pp. 1-14

Franklin D. Roosevelt and His Foreign Policy Critics
Richard W. Steele reexamines the actions and attitudes of President Franklin D. Roosevelt toward critics of his foreign policy just before and in the early years of American entry in World War II. According to Steele, Roosevelt viewed what was mere dissent as evidence of subversion and disloyalty.

pp. 15-32

A Comment on "Roosevelt and His Foreign Policy Critics"
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. takes issue with Steele's analysis, contending that presidential critics fared much better under the Roosevelt administration than under earlier wartime administrations such as Lincoln's and Woodrow Wilson's.

pp. 33-35

The White House and the News Media: The Phases of Their Relationship
Michael Baruch Grossman and Martha Joynt Kumar explore what they define as phases that have occurred in the relationship between the president and the news media in all administrations since 1960. They suggest that there are three such phases -- alliance, competition, and detachment -- that have recurred in spite of the major differences in policies and personalities of the incumbents.

pp. 37-53

The Bureaucratic Politics Paradigm and the Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia
Jiri Valenta applies the bureaucratic politics paradigm to Soviet management of the Czechoslovak crisis of 1968. His study shows that the paradigm substantially illuminates many aspects of decision making that have not previously received sufficient attention and suggests that focusing on the dynamics of the role played by the bureaucracies can be useful in the analysis of Soviet national security and foreign policy behavior.

pp. 55-76

A Statist Interpretation of American Oil Policy toward the Middle East
Stephen D. Krasner reviews American oil policy toward the Middle East from World War II to the oil crisis. He argues that that policy can only be understood if a theoretical perspective is used that conceives the state as an autonomous actor rather than as a reflector of underlying economic forces or interest group pressures.

pp. 77-96

Realignment of the Jewish Vote?
ALAN FISHER tests some recent perceptions of party realignment among American Jews by examining different data sources for party affiliation and voting in national and local elections. He finds continued support among Jews for Democrats and a relatively constant difference with the non-Jewish vote for the last thirty years.

pp. 97-116

Interest Groups in the Postpartisan Era: The Political Machine of the AFL-CIO
Harry Holloway argues that the weakening of political parties has been accompanied by the rise of interest group political activity and that the political machine created by the AFL-CIO federation embodies such activity on an unusual scale.

pp. 117-133

Incentives and Voter Participation: A Research Note
RONALD J. TERCHEK analyzes levels of black voting in Cleveland during the 1960s. He finds that turnouts varied with the saliency of issues, the symbolic importance of ethnicity, and the expected competitiveness in a particular election.

pp. 135-139

The United Nations in Bangladesh, Thomas W. Oliver
Reviewed by Inis L. Claude, Jr.

pp. 141-142

The United Nations System: Coordinating its Economic and Social Work, Martin Hill
Reviewed by Harold K. Jacobson

pp. 142-144

Terrorism and the Liberal State, Paul Wilkinson
Reviewed by Scott D. Sagan

pp. 144-145

Tactical Nuclear Weapons: An Examination of the Issues, William R. Van Cleave and S. T. Cohen
Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer

pp. 146-147

Setting National Priorities: The 1979 Budget, Joseph A. Pechman
Reviewed by Paul Atkinson

pp. 147-149

The Legislative Presidency, Stephen J. Wayne
Reviewed by Dorothy Buckton James

pp. 149-150

Home Style: House Members in Their Districts, Richard F. Fenno, Jr.
Reviewed by David A. Leuthold

pp. 150-151

The Public and American Foreign Policy: 1918-1978, Ralph B. Levering
Reviewed by George H. Quester

pp. 151-152

Eurocommunism and the State, Santiago Carrillo
Reviewed by Michael Roskin

pp. 152-153

Woodrow Wilson: The Years of Preparation, John M. Mulder
Reviewed by Arnold A. Rogow

pp. 153-155

The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis, Magali Sarfatti Larson
Reviewed by Bernard Barber

pp. 155-156

Who Really Rules? New Haven and Community Power Reexamined, G. William Domhoff
Reviewed by Stephen David

pp. 156-157

Neighbors in Conflict: The Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians of New York City, 1929-1941, Ronald H. Bayor
Reviewed by Selma Berrol

pp. 158-159

The Antitrust Paradox: A Policy at War with Itself, Robert H. Bork
Reviewed by Douglas E. Rosenthal

pp. 159-160

The Lingering Crisis of Youth Unemployment, Arvil V. Adams and Garth L. Mangum
Reviewed by Robert Taggart

pp. 160-161

Small Cities in Transition: The Dynamics of Growth and Decline, Herrington J. Bryce
Reviewed by Alvin D. Sokolow

pp. 161-162

Interest Groups, Lobbying and Policymaking, Norman J. Ornstein and Shirley Elder
Reviewed by Grant McConnell

pp. 163-164

How the Rural Poor Got Power: Narrative of a Grass-Roots Organizer, Paul David Wellstone
Reviewed by Frances Hill

pp. 164-165

The Revisionists Revised: A Critique of the Radical Attack on the Schools, Diane Ravitch
Reviewed by Edward A. Duane

pp. 165-166

The Public's Business: The Politics and Practices of Government Corporations, Annmarie Hauck Walsh
Reviewed by Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.

pp. 166-168

Judicial Craftsmanship or Fiat? Direct Overturn by the United States Supreme Court, Howard Ball
Reviewed by D. Grier Stephenson, Jr.

pp. 168-169

Felony Justice: An Organizational Analysis of Criminal Courts, Herbert Jacob and James Eisenstein ; Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges, and Defense Attorneys, Milton Heumann
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 169-171

Housing Costs and Government Regulations: Confronting the Regulatory Maze, Stephen R. Seidel
Reviewed by Michael J. Munson

pp. 171-173

Light Water: How the Nuclear Dream Dissolved, Irvin C. Bupp and Jean-Claude Derian
Reviewed by Steven J. Baker

pp. 173-174

Approaches to Controlling Air Pollution, Ann F. Friedlaender
Reviewed by Laura M. Lake

pp. 174-175

Pollution and Policy: A Case Essay on California and Federal Experience with Motor Vehicle Air Pollution, 1940-1975, James E. Krier and Edmund Ursin
Reviewed by Michael E. Kraft

pp. 176-177

Public Policy and Private Higher Education, David W. Breneman, Chester E. Finn and Susan C. Nelson
Reviewed by Elinor G. Barber

pp. 177-178

The Pursuit of Equality in American History, J. R. Pole
Reviewed by Stephen Botein

pp. 179-180

In the Matter of Color: Race and the American Legal Process, The Colonial Period, A. Leon Higginbotham
Reviewed by David H. Flaherty

pp. 180-181

The Remembered Gate: Origins of American Feminism, the Woman and the City 1800-1860, Barbara J. Berg
Reviewed by Catharine R. Stimpson

pp. 182-183

Wartime Origins of the Berlin Dilemma, Daniel J. Nelson
Reviewed by John Gimbel

pp. 183-184

Stalin Embattled, 1943-1948, William O. McCagg
Reviewed by Robert Wesson

pp. 184-185

The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky, Baruch Knei-Paz
Reviewed by Eugene Victor Wolfenstein

pp. 186-187

The Unsuspected Revolution: The Birth and Rise of Castroism, Mario Llerena
Reviewed by Richard R. Fagen

pp. 187-188

Sanctions: The Case of Rhodesia, Harry R. Strack
Reviewed by William J. Foltz

pp. 188-190

Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations, Michael Walzer
Reviewed by William V. O'Brien

pp. 190-191

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