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Volume 100 - Number 4 - Winter 1985-86

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American-Soviet Relations in Perspective
Raymond L. Garthoff reflects on American relations with the Soviet Union. He gives particular attention to lessons for the future that can be drawn from studying the détente of the 1970s and it decline.

pp. 541-559

Divergence and Convergence of American-Soviet Interests in the Middle East: An Israeli Viewpoint
GIMEON RAFAEL analyzes the traditional American and Soviet attitudes toward the Arab-Israeli conflict. He highlights not only the disagreements of the two superpowers but also the various occasions on which they had a convergence of interests and moved quickly to settle particular disputes.

pp. 561-574

The New Politics of Deficits
Paul E. Peterson identifies the causes of the unprecedented large budget deficits experienced by the United States in recent years and analyzes the dangers this "politics of deficits" poses to the nation's political and economic stability.

pp. 575-601

Party Organization and Distribution of Campaign Resources: Republicans and Democrats in 1982
Gary C. Jacobson examines the pattern of campaign contributions in 1980 and 1982 to Republican and Democratic candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives. He argues that the Republicans' centralized campaign finance system produced a more efficient distribution of resources, giving them a distinct electoral advantage over the fragmented Democrats.

pp. 603-625

The Reagan Administration, the 1973 War Powers Resolution, and the Invasion of Grenada
Michael Rubner examines the extent to which the Reagan administration complied with the 1973 War Powers Resolution when it dispatched U.S. troops to Granada in October 1983. He concludes that the decision to invade violated both the letter and spirit of the law and offers several suggestions for enhancing congressional participation in future decisions involving deployment of American forces abroad.

pp. 627-647

Arms Control and Alliance Commitments
Jane M. O. Sharp explores the problems of trying to pursue nuclear arms control with the Soviet Union while maintaining NATO's capability to deter a Soviet attack on western Europe. She argues that reducing reliance on the nuclear component of NATO's deterrent does not require compensatory increases in conventional military forces.

pp. 649-667

New Perspectives on Election Fraud in the Gilded Age
Peter H. Argersinger criticizes the view that minimizes the incidence of fraud in late nineteenth-century American elections. He introduces many new sources revealing election fraud, analyzes the factors that permitted it, and suggests the need to modify prevailing interpretations of the period's political history.

pp. 669-687

The Soviet Union and the Failure of Collective Security, 1934-1938, Jiri Hochman
Reviewed by Lord Beloff

pp. 689-690

Controlling Nuclear Weapons: Democracy Versus Guardianship, Robert Dahl
Reviewed by Kenneth W. Thompson

pp. 690-691

The Prevention of Nuclear War: A United Nations Perspective, William Epstein
Reviewed by George L. Sherry

pp. 691-693

Nation Against Nation: What Happened to the U.N. Dream and What the U.S. Can Do About It, Thomas M. Franck
Reviewed by Inis L. Claude, Jr.

pp. 693-694

National Interests and the Military Use of Space, William J. Durch
Reviewed by Thomas H. Karas

pp. 694-695

The Soviet Union and Strategic Arms, Robbin F. Laird and Dale R. Herspring
Reviewed by Clifford Kupchan

pp. 695-696

Soviet-Third World Relations, Carol R. Saivetz and Sylvia Woodby
Reviewed by Robert Wesson

pp. 697-698

The Illogic of American Nuclear Strategy, Robert Jervis
Reviewed by Kenneth N. Waltz

pp. 698-699

European Security and France, Francois de Rose and Richard Nice
Reviewed by Leonard V. Smith

pp. 699-700

The Eagle and the Small Birds: Crisis in the Soviet Empire, From Yalta to Solidarity, Michael Charlton
Reviewed by Robert F. Byrnes

pp. 700-701

The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Theory and Strategy, Walker Connor
Reviewed by Peter H. Juviler

pp. 701-703

The U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Agreement, Roger B. Porter
Reviewed by Barbara Insel

pp. 703-704

Arms and the African: Military Influences on Africa's International Relations, William J. Foltz and Henry S. Bienen
Reviewed by I. William Zartman

pp. 704-705

Pretoria's Praetorians: Civil-Military Relations in South Africa, Philip H. Frankel
Reviewed by Crawford Young

pp. 705-707

Presidents, Politics, and Policy, Erwin C. Hargrove and Michael Nelson
Reviewed by I. M. Destler

pp. 707-708

Congress and National Energy Policy, James Everett Katz
Reviewed by Joseph Cooper

pp. 708-709

Congressman Sam Rayburn, Anthony Champagne
Reviewed by Janice C. May

pp. 709-710

Party Organization in American Politics, Cornelius P. Cotter, et al.
Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf

pp. 710-712

Reconstructing American Law, Bruce A. Ackerman
Reviewed by Lane V. Sunderland

pp. 712-713

The Reagan Record, John L. Palmer and Isabel V. Sawhill
Reviewed by Bernard E. Anderson

pp. 713-714

Social Welfare Spending: Accounting for Changes from 1950 to 1978, Robert J. Lampman
Reviewed by Charles Murray

pp. 714-715

Beyond Liberal and Conservative: Reassessing the Political Spectrum, William S. Maddox and Stuart A. Lilie
Reviewed by Robert Lekachman

p. 716

Contracting Out for Human Services: Economic, Political, and Organizational Perspectives, Ruth Hoogland DeHoog
Reviewed by Alfred J. Kahn

pp. 716-717

Political Women: Current Roles in State and Local Government, Janet A. Flammang
Reviewed by Roberta S. Sigel

pp. 717-718

Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow: Black Women, Work, and the Family from Slavery to the Present, Jacqueline Jones
Reviewed by Leslie J. Calman

pp. 719-720

Straight Stuff: The Reporters, the White House and the Truth, James Deakin
Reviewed by Michael Baruch Grossman

p. 720

The Burden of Brown: Thirty Years of School Desegregation, Raymond Wolters
Reviewed by Stanley C. Brubaker

pp. 721-722

Sectionalism in American Political Development, 1880-1980, Richard Franklin Bensel
Reviewed by Martin Shefter

pp. 722-724

A City in The Republic: Antebellum New York and the Origins of Machine Politics, Amy Bridges
Reviewed by Kenneth A. Scherzer

pp. 724-725

The Uncertain Balance: Governmental Regulators in the Political Process, Glenn Davis and Gary D. Helfand
Reviewed by Susan Rose-Ackerman

pp. 725-726

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