Content in

Volume 105 - Number 1 - Spring 1990

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The Convervatism of Antonin Scalia
Richard A. Brisbin, JR. explores the political values of Justice Antonin Scalia of the Supreme Court. He argues that Scalia's writings and opinions to the end of the 1987 term of the Court contain a variation of the ideology of legalistic conservatism associated with Justice Felix Frankfurter and the current "right" members of the Court.

pp. 1-29

Contradictions in Communist Reform: China before 4 June 1989
Benedict Stavis provides the background for the Spring 1989 Tiananmen crisis and massacre in China. He explains that for two years economic problems and political tensions built up, yet the political system had not become resilient enough to resolve the crisis peacefully.

pp. 31-52

The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in the 1980s: A Relationship in Flux
Mark A. Cichock describes a fundamental alteration that has come to characterize the Soviet-Yugoslav relationship in the Gorbachev era. The author concludes that a nonthreatening transformation took shape that was an early indicator of the change process in the rest of Eastern Europe.

pp. 53-74

Democracy, Dependency, and Destabilization: The Shaking of Allende's Regime
Gil Merom critically discusses contemporary approaches to the study of sanction and destabilization policies, using Chile as a primary example. Drawing from the American efforts against Chile and Cuba, he concludes that success or failure depends not only on the distribution of economic power in the system to be destabilized but also on the domestic social structure, the control over ideas and institutions, and the leader's talents.

pp. 75-95

Social Policy through Land Reform: New Jersey's Mount Laurel Controversy
Mark Alan Hughes and Peter M. Vandoren examine the New Jersey Supreme Court's Mount Laurel decisions, which prohibited that township from excluding low-income housing through zoning ordinances. They question several premises of the strategy to defeat exclusionary zoning, supporting instead agreements negotiated between municipalities where one pays the other to provide up to half of its low-cost housing obligations.

pp. 97-111

Fiorello H. La Guardia as the Making of Modern New Yord, Thomas Kessner ; The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, Robert A. Caro
Reviewed by Herbert Kaufman

pp. 113-122

China Eyes Japan, Allen S. Whiting
Reviewed by David Bachman

pp. 123-124

Japan and Protection, The Growth of Protectionist Sentiment and the Japanese Response, Syed Javed Maswood
Reviewed by Marie Anchordoguy

pp. 124-126

Germany, America, and Europe: Forty Years of German Foreign Policy, Wolfram Hanrieder ; At the Creation of a New Germany: From Adenauer to Brandt, An Ambassador's Account, George McGhee
Reviewed by A. James McAdams

pp. 126-128

Germany Through American Eyes: Foreign Policy and Domestic Issues, Gale A. Mattox and John H. Vaughan, Jr.
Reviewed by John Gimbel

pp. 128-129

Harold Macmillan: 1957-1986, Alistair Horne
Reviewed by Dennis Kavanagh

pp. 129-130

Perspectives on Deterrence, Robert Jervis, Paul C. Stern, Robert Axelrod and Roy Radner
Reviewed by David Goldfischer

pp. 130-132

Power and Insecurity: Beijing, Moscow & Washington, 1949-1988, Harvey W. Nelsen
Reviewed by Allen S. Whiting

pp. 132-133

Justice Rehnquist and the Constitution, Sue Davis
Reviewed by Henry J. Abraham

pp. 133-134

America's Secret Power: The CIA in a Democratic Society, Loch K. Johnson
Reviewed by Athan Theoharis

pp. 134-136

In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government, Charles Murray
Reviewed by Henry J. Aaron

pp. 136-137

Pathways to Power: Selecting Rulers in Pluralist Democracies, Mattei Dogan
Reviewed by G. Bingham Powell, Jr.

pp. 137-139

Democracy Without Citizens: Media and the Decay of American Politics, Robert M. Entman
Reviewed by Michael X. Delli Carpin

pp. 139-140

At the Margins: Presidential Leadership of Congress, George C. Edwards III
Reviewed by Stephen J. Wayne

pp. 140-142

Presidential Influence and the Administrative State, Richard W. Waterman
Reviewed by William F. West

pp. 142-144

Belief Systems and Decision Making in the Mayaguez Crisis, Christopher John Lamb
Reviewed by Charles B. McGuire

pp. 144-145

Escape from Violence: Conflict and the Refugee Crisis in the Developing World, Aristide R. Zolberg, Astri Suhrke and Sergio Aguayo
Reviewed by Inis L. Claude, Jr.

pp. 145-147

The Ideology of State Terror: Economic Doctrine and Political Repression in Argentina and Peru, David Pion-Berlin
Reviewed by Maria Jose Moyano

pp. 147-148

Entrepreneurs and Politics in Twentieth-Century Mexico, Roderick A. Camp
Reviewed by Sylvia Maxfield

pp. 148-150

Campaigning in America: A History of Election Practices, Robert J. Dinkin
Reviewed by Gerald M. Pomper

pp. 150-151

Issue Evolution: Race and the Transformation of American Politics, James A. Stimson and Edward G. Carmines
Reviewed by Byran O. Jackson

pp. 151-152

Listening for the Bomb: A Study in Nuclear Arms Control Verification Policy, Philip G. Schrag
Reviewed by Leon V. Sigal

pp. 153-154

Political Learning in Adulthood: A Sourcebook of Theory and Research, Roberta S. Sigel
Reviewed by Betty Glad

pp. 155-156

Regime Politics: Governing Atlanta, 1946-1988, Clarence N. Stone
Reviewed by Barbara Ferman

pp. 156-157

The Democratic Imperative, Gregory A. Fossedal
Reviewed by Bradford Perkins

pp. 157-158

Feminism and Politics: A Comparative Perspective, Joyce Gelb
Reviewed by Roberta S. Sigel

pp. 159-160

The Ecology of City Policymaking, Robert J. Waste
Reviewed by Peter Eisinger

pp. 160-161

Biting the Hand That Feeds Them: Organizing Women at the Grass Roots Level, Jacqueline Pope
Reviewed by Jewel Bellush

pp. 161-162

The Struggle for Black Empowerment in New York City: Beyond the Politics of Pigmentation, Charles Green and Basil Wilson
Reviewed by Paul Kantor

pp. 162-164

The Politics of Regulatory Change: A Tale of Two Agencies, Richard A. Harris and Sidney M. Milkas
Reviewed by Jerry L. Mashaw

pp. 164-165

Race-Ethnicity and Society, Benjamin B. Ringer and Elinor R. Lawless
Reviewed by Marcus D. Pohlmann

pp. 165-166

Governing by Committee: Collegial Leadership in Advanced Societies, Thomas A. Baylis
Reviewed by Fritz Gaenslen

pp. 166-168

Beyond Privatization: The Tools of Government Action, Lester M. Salamon and Michael S. Lund
Reviewed by Steven Rathgeb Smith

pp. 168-169

The Generous Corporation: A Political Analysis of Economic Power, Neil J. Mitchell
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

p. 170

Republic of Fear: The Politics of Modern Iraq, Samir al-Khalil
Reviewed by Laurie Mylroie

pp. 171-172

Third-World Development: Aspects of Political Legitimacy and Viability, Tri Q. Nguyen
Reviewed by James H. Mittelman

pp. 172-173

Embargo Disimplemented: South Africa's Military Industry, Signe Landgren
Reviewed by Kenneth W. Grundy

pp. 173-174

Soviet Nuclear Strategy from Stalin to Gorbachev: A Revolution in Soviet Military and Political Thinking, Honoré M. Catudal
Reviewed by Matthew Evangelista

pp. 174-175

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