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Volume 107 - Number 1 - Spring 1992

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Washington Abandons the Cities
Demetrios Caraley examines the Reagan and Bush administrations' cutting back of federal grants to large cities and people who live there. He concludes pessimistically that without strong economic growth, the American democracy has little capacity to deal with serious problems felt by minorities such as those who govern and who live in large cities.

pp. 1-30

The Procedural Presidency of George Bush
Kerry Mullins and Aaron Wildavsky seek to explain inconsistencies in President George Bush's behavior and policies as a consequence of his adherence to principles of "inclusive hierarchy" tinged with fatalism. These principles lead the president to try to reconcile conflicting interests without a synthesizing "vision thing" to guide and explain his actions. They deem Bush's belief in the importance of procedures worthy but not a substitute for a sense of direction.

pp. 31-62

Blacks and the Republican Party: The 20 Percent Solution
Louis Bolce, Gerald De Maio, and Douglas Muzzio analyze the proposition that the Republican party can attain long-term majority status if it can attract 20 percent of the black vote. Their examination of 1988 presidential and congressional exit poll data of black voters reveals that such prospects are dim.

pp. 63-79

Can the United States Promote Democracy?
Graham T. Allison, Jr. and Robert P. Beschel, Jr. address the question of whether the United States can promote democracy abroad. They disagree with those who argue that the United States cannot do much to promote political plurality and the development of democratic institutions and offer a number of concrete measures that the U.S. government and society can take.

pp. 81-98

FBI Wiretapping: A Case Study of Bureaucratic Autonomy
Athan Theoharis surveys the FBI's emergence as an autonomous agency, effectively independent of oversight by either the president or attorney general, by tracing the evolution of the FBI's wiretapping authority and particularly sensitive FBI wiretap uses.

pp. 101-122

The Carter Administration's Policy toward Nicaragua: Imagesz, Goals, and Tactics
Martha L. Cottam writes about the policy conflicts in the Carter administration as it developed responses to the unfolding Nicaraguan revolution. She explains those conflicts as the result of differing world views among three Carter administration policy advocacy groups.

pp. 123-146


pp. 191-193

Cobblestone Leadership: Majority Rule, Power, James MacGregor Burns and L. Marvin Overby
Reviewed by James Morone

pp. 147-148

The Bush Presidency: First Appraisals, Bert A. Rockman, Colin Campbell and S. J. Rockman
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 148-150

An Essential Safeguard: Essays on the United States Supreme Court and Its Justices, D. Grier Stephenson, Jr.
Reviewed by John Schmidhauser

pp. 150-152

Living Together Separately: Arabs and Jews in Contemporary Jerusalem, Alex Weingrod and Michael Romann
Reviewed by Deborah J. Gerner

pp. 152-154

Sleepwalking Through History: America in the Reagan Years, Haynes Johnson
Reviewed by David J. Garrow

pp. 154-155

Roosevelt: The Party Leader 1932-1945, Sean J. Savage
Reviewed by Bernard Bellush

pp. 155-156

The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-1963, Michael R. Beschloss
Reviewed by Carl Kaysen

pp. 157-158

Majestic Failure: The Fall of the Shah, Marvin Zonis
Reviewed by William B. Quandt

pp. 158-159

Richard B. Russell, Jr.: Senator from Georgia, Gilbert C. Fite
Reviewed by Richard F. Fenno, Jr.

pp. 160-161

Live from Capitol Hill: Studies of Congress and the Media, Stephen Hess
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 161-163

Welfare and Freedom American Style: The Role of the Federal Government, 1900-1940, Richard K. Caputo
Reviewed by Joseph F. Zimmerman

pp. 163-164

Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt Divide Europe, Remi Nadeau ; Dawning of the Cold War: The United States' Quest for Order, Randall B. Woods and Howard Jonesz
Reviewed by Betty Miller Unterberger

pp. 164-165

Ethnic Conflict and International Relations, Stephen Ryan
Reviewed by Joseph Rothschild

p. 166

Chile Under Pinochet: A Nation of Enemies, Arturo Valenzuela and Pamela Constable
Reviewed by Rhoda Rabkin

pp. 166-168

The Logic of Delegation: Congressional Parties and the Appropriations Process, D. Roderick Kiewiet and Mathew D. McCubbins
Reviewed by Joseph White

pp. 168-169

The Feminization of Poverty: Only in America?, Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg and Eleanor Kremen
Reviewed by Ruth Sidel

pp. 169-170

Judicial Review and the Law of the Constitution, Sylvia Snowiss
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 171-172

"We Have a Duty": The Supreme Court and the Watergate Tapes Litigation, Howard Ball
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 172-174

The Promised Land: The Great Black Migration and How It Changed America, Nicolas Lemann
Reviewed by Judith Russell

pp. 174-175

Dual City: Restructuring New York, John H. Mollenkopf and Manuel Castells
Reviewed by Paul Kantor

pp. 175-177

City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles, Mike Davis
Reviewed by Steven P. Erie

pp. 177-178

Educational Renaissance: Our Schools at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century, Marvin Cetron and Margaret Gayle
Reviewed by John L. Rury

pp. 178-180

What Older Americans Think: Interest Groups and Aging Policy, Christine L. Day
Reviewed by Fay Lomax Cook

pp. 180-182

On Reading the Constitution, Laurence H. Tribe and Michael C. Dorf
Reviewed by John Moeller

pp. 182-183

The Justice from Beacon Hill: The Life and Times of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Liva Baker
Reviewed by David H. Burton

pp. 183-184

Original Intent: Chief Justice Rehnquist and the Course of American Church/ State Relations, Derek Davis
Reviewed by Sue Davis

pp. 184-186

The Burger Court: Political and Judicial Profiles, Stephen C. Halpern and Charles M. Lamb
Reviewed by John R. Vile

pp. 186-187

Declarations of Independence: Cross-Examining American Ideology, Howard Zinn
Reviewed by Mark A. Graber

pp. 187-189

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