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Volume 115 - Number 4 - Winter 2000-01

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After the Storm: U.S. Policy toward Iraq since 1991
Daniel Byman argues that criticism of U.S. policy toward Iraq is often overstated and fails to appreciate the accomplishments of the Bush and Clinton administrations. The author discusses which mechanisms have proven particularly effective but also analyzes the room for improvement in U.S. policy.

pp. 493-516

Cooptation and Corporatism in China: The Logic of Party Adaptation
Bruce J. Dickson analyzes the political consequences of economic reform in China by looking at the Chinese Communist party's efforts to recruit technical experts and entrepreneurs into the party. These strategies of cooptation and corporatism are designed to help the party to adapt, but they are also creating tensions with its Leninist nature that may undermine the party's authority rather than rejuvenate it.

pp. 517-540

The Origins and Diffusion of Racial Restrictive Covenants
Michael Jones-Correa explores the diffusion of racial restrictive covenants in the early twentieth century. He argues that while critical events like the 1917-1921 race riots ushered in new racial policies, it was interactions among political actors that helped determine which policy alternatives survived and which withered on the vine.

pp. 541-568

Producing and Consuming Trust
Eric M. Uslaner challenges the accepted wisdom about trust. He argues that group membership and informal socializing do not depend on trust and do not create trust. He establishes categories of trust and discusses the consequences of each type for civic engagement. This author also explores why Americans have become less trusting over time, emphasizing the role of religious fundamentalism, growing pessimism, and rising economic inequality.

pp. 569-590

Contingency, Catalysts, and International System Change
Richard Ned Lebow asserts there have been three transformations of the international system in the twentieth century. He conducts a counterfactual analysis of World War I--one such transformation--to show there is no necessary relationship between the number and the intensity of underlying causes and the probability of an event. The immediate causes of World War I--the double assassinations at Sarajevo--met a diverse set of political and psychological requirements without which Austrian and German leaders would not have taken the steps that led to war. Sarajevo indicates that there is a class of situations that require complex and highly specialized triggers whose appearance may be infrequent.

pp. 591-616

Presidential Greatness, Sidney M. Milkis and Marc Landy
Reviewed by Paul Kengor

pp. 617-618

Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Robert D. Putnam
Reviewed by Robert Y. Shapiro

pp. 618-620

Reelection: William Jefferson Clinton as a Native-Son Presidential Candidate, Hanes Walton, Jr.
Reviewed by Peri E. Arnold

pp. 620-622

The Globalization Syndrome: Transformation and Resistance, James H. Mittelman
Reviewed by George E. Shambaugh

pp. 622-623

Argument without End: In Search of Answers to the Vietnam Tragedy, Robert S. McNamara
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 623-625

Hong Kong's Embattled Democracy: A Societal Analysis, Alvin Y. So
Reviewed by James L. Perry

pp. 625-626

Clinton's World: Remaking American Foreign Policy, William G. Hyland
Reviewed by Kenneth W. Thompson

pp. 626-628

Interpreting China's Grand Strategy: Past, Present, and Future, Ashley J. Tellis and Michael D. Swaine
Reviewed by June Teufel Dreyer

pp. 628-629

A Very Political Economy: Peacebuilding and Foreign Aid in the West Bank and Gaza, Rex Brynen
Reviewed by Ann Mosely Lesch

pp. 629-630

Way Out There in the Blue: Reagan, Star Wars and the End of the Cold War, Frances FitzGerald
Reviewed by Robert Jervis

pp. 630-632

Working in the World: Jimmy Carter and the Making of American Foreign Policy, Robert A. Strong
Reviewed by Mark H. Lytle

pp. 633-635

America's Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt, Teresa A. Sullivan, Elizabeth Warren and Jay Lawrence Westbrook
Reviewed by Daniel Kryder

pp. 635-636

From Obstruction to Moderation: The Transformation of Senate Conservatism, 1938-1952, John W. Malsberger
Reviewed by Randall B. Ripley

pp. 636-638

Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War, Julie A. Mertus
Reviewed by Jon W. Western

pp. 638-639

Kosovo: War and Revenge, Tim Judah
Reviewed by Laura Swartz

pp. 639-641

The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America, Ruth Rosen
Reviewed by Rosalind Rosenberg

pp. 641-642

Best Truth: Intelligence in the Information Age, Allan E. Goodman and Bruce D. Berkowitz ; National Insecurity: U.S. Intelligence after the Cold War, Craig Eisendrath, ed.
Reviewed by Richard Brody

pp. 642-643

To Lead the World: American Nationalism and the Cultural Roots of the Cold War, John Fousek
Reviewed by Craig T. Cobane

pp. 644-645

The Rehnquist Court and the Constitution, Tinsley E. Yarbrough
Reviewed by Susan E. Grogan

pp. 645-646

Politics and Constitutionalism: The Louis Fisher Collection, Robert J. Spitzer, ed.
Reviewed by Joel K. Goldstein

pp. 647-648

Pitiful Plaintiffs: Child Welfare Litigation and the Federal Courts, Susan Gluck Mezey
Reviewed by Caren G. Dubnoff

pp. 648-649

Community under Anarchy: Transnational Identity and the Evolution of Cooperation, Bruce Conin
Reviewed by Thomas Risse

pp. 649-651

On Narrow Ground: Urban Policy and Ethnic Conflict in Jerusalem and Belfast, Scott A. Bollens
Reviewed by Michael Dumper

pp. 651-652

Women and Politics in Uganda, Aili Mari Tripp
Reviewed by Linda J. Beck

pp. 652-654

From Tribal Village to Global Village: Indian Rights and International Relations in Latin America, Alison Brysk
Reviewed by Pamela Stricker

pp. 654-655

Ruling the World: Power Politics and the Rise of Supranational Institutions, Lloyd Gruber
Reviewed by Jeremy Rabkin

pp. 655-656

Comparing Post-Soviet Legislatures: A Theory of Institutional Design and Conflict, Joel M. Ostrow
Reviewed by Paul Kubicek

pp. 657-658

Profits and Principles: Global Capitalism and Human Rights in China, Michael A. Santoro
Reviewed by ANDREW J. NATHAN

pp. 658-660

Prayers in the Precincts: The Christian Right in the 1998 Elections, Mark J. Rozell, Clyde Wilcox and John C. Green, eds.
Reviewed by Anna Greenberg

pp. 660-661

In the Name of Liberalism: Illiberal Social Policy in the United States and Britain, Desmond King
Reviewed by Kent Worcester

pp. 661-663

Models of Capitalism: Growth and Stagnation in the Modern Era, David Coates
Reviewed by Pepper D. Culpepper

pp. 663-664

Term Limits in the State Legislatures, Richard G. Niemi, Lynda W. Powell and John M. Carey
Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin

pp. 664-665

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