Content in

Volume 78 - Number 2 - June 1963

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The European Economic Community
Walter Hallstein

pp. 161-178

Is There a Welfare State? A Review of Recent Social Change in Britain
Barbara Wootton

pp. 179-197

France and American Politics, 1763-1793
Ralph L. Ketcham

pp. 198-223

The Ideological, Political, and Economic Background of Pilsudski's Coup D' Etat of 1926
Joseph Rothschild

pp. 224-244

The United States Enters Export Credit Guarantee Competition
Daniel Marx

pp. 245-272

The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1570-1640, Charles H. George and Katherine George
Reviewed by Roland H. Bainton

pp. 273-276

The Historical Revolution: English Historical Writing and Thought, 1580-1640, F. Smith Fussner
Reviewed by R. L. Colie

pp. 276-278

The New American Political Economy: A Synthesis of Politics and Economics, Marshall E. Dimock
Reviewed by Richard W. Taylor

pp. 278-280

The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: New York as a Test Case, Lee Benson
Reviewed by Nathan Miller

pp. 280-282

Congress and the Court, Walter F. Murphy
Reviewed by Richard E. Morgan

pp. 282-284

The American Partnership: Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Nineteenth- Century United States, Daniel J. Elazar
Reviewed by Wilfrid E. Rumble

pp. 284-285

The Presidential Election and Transition, 1960-1961, Paul T. David
Reviewed by Hugh A. Bone

pp. 285-287

The Compleat Politician: Political Strategy in Massachusetts, Murray B. Levin and George Blackwood
Reviewed by Hugh Douglas Price

pp. 287-289

Strategy, Politics, and Defense Budgets, Warner R. Schilling, Paul Y. Hammond and Glenn H. Snyder
Reviewed by Morton H. Halperin

pp. 289-291

The Amateur Democrat: Club Politics in Three Cities, James Q. Wilson
Reviewed by Bert E. Swanson

pp. 291-293

Essays on the Behavioral Study of Politics, Austin Ranney
Reviewed by Andrew Hacker

pp. 293-295

Nationalisation of Foreign Property, Gillian White
Reviewed by Oliver J. Lissitzyn

pp. 295-296

Case Studies in European Economic Union: The Mechanics of Integration, J. E. Meade, H. H. Liesner and S. J. Wells
Reviewed by Emile Benoit

pp. 297-298

Central Planning in Poland, John Michael Montias
Reviewed by Gregory Grossman

pp. 298-300

Men in Uniform: Military Manpower in Modern Industrial Societies, M. R. D. Foot
Reviewed by David C. Rapoport

pp. 300-302

The Arab World Today, Morroe Berger
Reviewed by Edgar J. Fisher

pp. 302-303

Tsar and People: Studies in Russian Myths, Michael Cherniavsky
Reviewed by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky

pp. 304-305

The Japanese People and Foreign Policy, Douglas H. Mendel ; Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan, Robert A. Scalapino and Junnosuke Masumi
Reviewed by James B. Crowley

pp. 305-307

Foreign Aid and the Defense of Southeast Asia, Amos A. Jordan
Reviewed by Frank N. Trager

pp. 307-309

The Role of the Military in Underdeveloped Countries, John J. Johnson
Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander

pp. 311-313

East Central Europe and the World: Developments in the Post-Stalin Era, Stephen D. Kertesz ; The Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict, Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
Reviewed by E. C. Helmreich

pp. 313-315

British Guiana, Raymond T. Smith
Reviewed by Robert D. Tomasek

pp. 315-316

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