China in a World of Great Power Competition

2023 · 168
ISBN13: 978-1-884853-19-7

Paperback: $27.50 (APS Members: $22.00)

Digital eBook: $14.50 (APS Members: $11.60)
Available Format: PDF

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From the Preface

THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A SERIES published by the Academy of Political Science on timely subjects of special importance in the fields of public and international affairs. Its purpose is to provide in a single collection the articles of leading scholars of Chinese politics published in Political Science Quarterly in recent years.

From the Introduction

China is now in a region and a world of great power competition. What does this mean? . . . [S]tates have contentious relations, a serious rivalry, and seek relative gains over scarce stakes or outcomes. The most discernible dyad today is China and the United States. Both Beijing and Washington perceive themselves to be in a head-to-head rivalry, pursuing finite supplies of power, influence, prestige and prosperity, and each perceives the other to be the most persistent existential threat. . . .

Great power competition encompasses military rivalry but also includes competition in the non-military realm. The six contributions in the volume address various domains in which China engages in great power competition: two essays on economics, one on energy, one on the maritime domain, and two on bilateral ties with the United States. 


Marylena Mantas

Andrew Scobell and Jennifer Staats

The Varieties of Collective Financial Statecraft: The BRICS and China
Saori N. Katada, Cynthia Roberts, and Leslie Elliott Armijo

Chinese Domestic Politics and the Internationalization of the Renminbi
Hyoung-Kyu Chey and Yu Wai Vic Li

Going Nuclear: The Promises and Perils of Nuclear Energy in China
Il Hyun Cho

The South China Sea and U.S.-China Rivalry
Andrew Scobell

Perception and Misperception in U.S.-China Relations
Andrew Scobell

Bipolarity and the Future of U.S.-China Relations
Richard Maher


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