pp. 659-660
Terrorism in Cyberspace: The Next Generation, Gabriel Weimann
This book is Gabriel Weimann’s latest of many contributions to the study of how terrorists use digital media. In Terrorism in Cyberspace, he sets out to answer three questions: “1. What are the new faces of online terrorism? 2. What can be expected in the near future? 3. How can we counter these trends?” (p. 4). In order to answer these questions, Terrorism in Cyberspace gathers together Weimann’s extensive writings in many venues into a single approachable volume.
The book succeeds almost completely in responding to the first question, in that it provides an excellent description of what terrorists have been doing online for the past 20 or more years. This portion of the book, comprising Chapters 1–8, neatly lays out eight different categories of terrorists’ online behavior, providing definitions and descriptions of each. In so doing, Weimann not only provides an extensive history of contemporary terrorist behavior but also creates a useful taxonomy of said behavior that is generalizable to actions in the future. These chapters are similar in content and presentation to the best descriptions of opposition force activities written by intelligence agencies.
The primary weakness of this section is that the discussion focuses so completely on terrorists’ behavior that governments and counterter
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