The Greater Good Gathering: Technology, the Economy, and the Greater Good

February 6–7, 2020
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
New York, NY

The third annual Greater Good Gathering focused on how technology is changing the economy, jobs, and work. The conference brought together technologists, academics, entrepreneurs, journalists, and government officials from across the country to discuss how technological change is affecting government, society, and the economy.  The goal is to help create innovative answers to how individuals and institutions can advance the “greater good”—through the public, private and non-profit sectors—in this changing environment.

This year’s conference was also the culmination of “Greater Good” conversations involving average citizens at City College of New York, Union Theological Seminary in New York, the Pardee RAND Graduate School in Los Angeles and across Iowa in the run-up to the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses at Buena Vista University, Simpson College, Drake University, and the Cedar Rapids Public Library.  




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