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Volume 31 - Number 4 - December 1916

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American Diplomacy in the European War
Munroe Smith

pp. 481-518

The Federal Child-Labor Law
Thomas I. Parkinson

pp. 519-540

The Trainmen's Eight-Hour Day
Edwin Clyde Robbins

pp. 541-557

The Constitutional Aspects of the "Parson's Cause"
Arthur P. Scott

pp. 558-577

New Light on the Monroe Doctrine
William R. Shepherd

pp. 578-589

McKinley and Foraker
Benjamin B. Kendrick

pp. 590-604

Nationality in Modern History, J. Holland Rose
Reviewed by Carlton Hayes

pp. 605-609

Prolegomena to History, Frederick J. Teggart
Reviewed by James T. Shotwell

p. 610

An Autobiography, Charles Francis Adams
Reviewed by Carl Becker

pp. 611-612

The Revolution in Virginia, H. R. Eckenrode
Reviewed by Carl Becker

pp. 613-614

The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore, J. R. Hutchinson
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 614-615

The Influence of King Edward, and Essays on Other Subjects, Viscount Esher
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 616-617

Modern Germany and her Historians, Antoine Guilland
Reviewed by James T. Shotwell

pp. 617-619

Americanism: What It Is, David Jayne Hill ; The People's Government, David Jayne Hill
Reviewed by Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 619-623

Charles E. Hughes: The Statesman as shown in the Opinions of the Jurist, William L. Ransom
Reviewed by Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 623-626

The American Plan of Government, Charles W. Bacon and Franklyn S. Morse
Reviewed by Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 626-628

The Instinct of Workmanship, Thorstein Veblen
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 631-633

Civilization and Climate, Ellsworth Huntington
Reviewed by A. A. Tenney

pp. 633-635

Die Russische Agrarreform, W. D. Preyer
Reviewed by N. I. Stone

pp. 635-637

The Development of Transportation in Modern England, W. T. Jackman
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 637-639

Citizens in Industry, Charles Richmond Henderson
Reviewed by Robert Murray Haig

pp. 639-640

Scientific Management and Labor, Robert Franklin Hoxie
Reviewed by Robert Murray Haig

pp. 641-643

The Single Tax Movement in the United States, Arthur Nichols Young
Reviewed by Robert Murray Haig

pp. 643-644

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