Content in

Volume 32 - Number 2 - June 1917

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Canada's National Policy
Edward Porritt

pp. 177-208

The Organization of Labor in War Time in Great Britain
Clarence H. Northcott

pp. 209-223

Balkan Diplomacy II
Stephen P. Duggan

pp. 224-251

The Negro Vote in Old New York
Dixon Ryan Fox

pp. 252-275

The Delegation of Legislative Power to Cities
Howard Lee McBain

pp. 276-295

The Oregon Minimum-Wage Cases
Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 296-311

The Still Small Voice of the Herd
James Harvey Robinson

pp. 312-319

The Treaty-Making Power of the United States and the Methods of its Enforcement as affecting the Police Powers of the States, Charles H. Burr ; National Supremacy: Treaty Power v. State Power, Edward S. Corwin
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 320-324

Retrospections of an Active Life, John Bigelow

pp. 325-327

The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina, Chauncey S. Boucher
Reviewed by D. S. Muzzey

pp. 327-329

A History of the Western Boundary of the Louisiana Purchase, 1819-1841, Thomas Maitland Marshall
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 329-330

The Place of the Reign of Edward II in English History, T. F. Tout
Reviewed by Sydney K. Mitchell

pp. 330-332

An Economic History of Russia, James Mavor
Reviewed by Alexander S. Kaun

pp. 333-335

Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution, Thorstein Veblen
Reviewed by R. S. MacElwee

pp. 336-337

Social Adaptation: A Study in the Development of the Doctrine of Adaptation as a Theory of Social Progress, Thomas Nixon Carver and Lucius Moody Bristol
Reviewed by A. A. Tenney

pp. 338-339

A History of Greek Economic Thought, Albert Augustus Trever
Reviewed by George Willis Botsford

pp. 340-343

France Herself Again, Ernest Dimnet
Reviewed by E. M. Sait

pp. 343-349

The Philosophy of Nietzsche, A. Wolf
Reviewed by Traugott Bohme

pp. 350-353

The Prevention and Control of Monopolies, W. Jethro Brown
Reviewed by J. M. Clark

pp. 353-354

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