Content in

Volume 35 - Number 4 - December 1920

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A Theory of History
Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 493-521

The Development of a System of Federal Grants-in-Aid II
Paul H. Douglas

pp. 522-544

Reform in India
Bernard Houghton

pp. 545-554

Coal Nationalization in England

pp. 555-565

The Mobility of Industrial Labor
Paul F. Brissenden, Emil Frankel

pp. 566-600

Europe at the Crossroads
Paul M. Warburg

pp. 601-620

The Budget System in Canada
Thomas M. Fraser

pp. 621-636

Some Problems of the Peace Conference, Charles Homer Haskins and Robert Howard Lord ; An Introduction to the Peace Treaties, Arthur Pearson Scott ; The Peace in the Making, H. Wilson Harris ; What Wilson Did at Paris, Ray Stannard Baker ; The Peace Conference Day-by-Day, Charles T. Thompson ; The Adventures of the Fourteen Points, Harry Hansen ; Across the Blockade, Henry Noel Brailsford ; America's Aims and Asia's Aspirations, Patrick Gallagher
Reviewed by Preston Slosson

pp. 637-641

The German Empire, 1867-1914, and the Unity Movement, William Harbutt Dawson

pp. 641-645

The War with Mexico, Justin H. Smith
Reviewed by David S. Muzzey

pp. 646-651

Woodrow Wilson and his Work, William E. Dodd
Reviewed by Frederic A. Ogg

pp. 651-653

Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England: The Wardrobe, the Chamber, and the Small Seals, T. F. Tout
Reviewed by Albert B. White

pp. 653-658

Fair Value: The Meaning and Application of the Term "Fair Valuation" as Used by Utility Commissions, Harleigh H. Hartman
Reviewed by Robert L. Hale

pp. 658-662

Taxation in the New State, J. A. Hobson
Reviewed by T. S. Adams

pp. 662-664

Currency and Credit, R. G. Hawtrey
Reviewed by H. Parker Willis

pp. 664-665

Social Theory, G. D. H. Cole
Reviewed by Harry Elmer Barnes

pp. 665-669

Parliament and Revolution, J. Ramsay Macdonald
Reviewed by R. L. Schuyler

pp. 669-671

The Second Period of Quakerism, William C. Braithwaite
Reviewed by William Thomas Morgan

pp. 671-673

The Life and Times of Henry Gassaway Davis, Charles M. Pepper
Reviewed by B. B. Kendrick

pp. 673-675

Occasional Addresses, 1893-1916, H. H. Asquith
Reviewed by Wallace Notestein

p. 675

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