Content in

Volume 50 - Number 2 - June 1935

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The Wage-Earner in the Westward Movement I
Carter Goodrich, Sol Davison

pp. 161-185

Income Classes and the Roosevelt Vote in 1932
W. F. Ogburn, Estelle Hill

pp. 186-193

The Development of British Trade with West Africa, 1750 to 1850
Judith Blow Williams

pp. 194-213

The End of Vare
J. T. Salter

pp. 214-235

Budgetary Principles
J. Wilner Sundelson

pp. 236-263

Note on the Distinction between Political and Technical Questions
Pitman B. Potter

pp. 264-271

"The Theory of Wages"
Don D. Lescohier

pp. 272-277

World Politics and Personal Insecurity, H. D. Lasswell

pp. 278-281

The Permanent Court of International Justice: A Treatise, Manley O. Hudson
Reviewed by Charles G. Fenwick

pp. 281-283

Tariff Retaliation: Repercussions of the Hawley-Smoot Bill, Joseph M. Jones
Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 283-285

The Italian Corporative State, Fausto Pitigliani
Reviewed by Herbert W. Schneider

pp. 285-287

Recovery and Common Sense, O. M. W. Sprague
Reviewed by Benjamin Haggott Beckhart

pp. 287-289

Australia in the World Crisis: 1929-1933, Douglas Copland
Reviewed by James W. Angell

pp. 289-291

Reaction and Revolution 1814-1832, Frederick B. Artz ; Volume XIV of The Rise of Modern Europe, William L. Langer
Reviewed by Frank J. Manheim

pp. 294-297

History of the State of New York, Alexander C. Flick
Reviewed by Ralph H. Gabriel

pp. 297-299

A History of American Foreign Policy, John Holladay Latané and David W. Wainhouse
Reviewed by William O. Scroggs

pp. 299-300

The Chinese: Their History and Culture, Kenneth Scott Latourette
Reviewed by W. J. Hail

pp. 300-303

La Preponderance Espagnole (1559-1660), Henri Hauser
Reviewed by Eloise Ellery

pp. 304-306

The Great Offensive, Maurice Hindus
Reviewed by W. Ladejinsky

pp. 306-308

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