Content in

Volume 57 - Number 3 - September 1942

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American Railroads in Wartime
Thor Hultgren

pp. 321-337

The Unemployment Insurance System as a Solution to War and Post-War Problems
Lyle C. Fitch

pp. 338-352

Three Years of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Moses Moskowitz

pp. 353-375

Economic Demobilization in Great Britain After the First World War
Albert T. Lauterbach

pp. 376-393

James Wilson and the Relation of the Scottish Metaphysics to American Political Thought
Arnaud B. Leavelle

pp. 394-410

On the Wage Structure of Agriculture
Harry Schwartz

pp. 411-425

Public Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt
David S. Muzzey

pp. 426-431

Victory Through Air Power, Alexander P. de Seversky
Reviewed by H. A. DeWeerd

pp. 432-435

War as a Social Institution: The Historian's Perspective, Jesse D. Clarkson and Thomas C. Cochran
Reviewed by Felix Gilbert

pp. 435-437

My India, My America, Krishnalal Shridharani and Louis Bromfield
Reviewed by Bruce T. McCully

pp. 437-440

Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, Franz Neumann
Reviewed by Koppel S. Pinson

pp. 441-443

The New Order in Poland, Raymond Leslie Buell and Simon Segal
Reviewed by Dwight E. Lee

pp. 444-445

Flight in Winter, John Clinton Adams
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 445-446

Democratic France: The Third Republic from Sedan to Vichy, Richard Walden Hale
Reviewed by W. R. Dittmar

pp. 446-448

The Theory of Legal Science, Huntington Cairns
Reviewed by Max Rheinstein

pp. 448-449

What Democracy Meant to the Greeks, Walter R. Agard
Reviewed by Kurt von Fritz

pp. 450-451

The Cambridge Economic History of Europe from the Decline of the Roman Empire. Vol. I: The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages, J. H. Clapham and Eileen Power
Reviewed by Eugene H. Byrne

pp. 451-453

Dimensions of Society: A Quantitative Systematics for the Social Sciences, Stuart Carter Dodd
Reviewed by William S. Robinson

pp. 453-455

National Income and Its Composition, 1919-1938, Simon Kuznets
Reviewed by Alvin H. Hansen

pp. 455-457

Burlington West: A Colonization History of the Burlington Railroad, Richard C. Overton
Reviewed by James B. Hedges

pp. 459-460

The History of Public Welfare in New York State, 1867-1940, David M. Schneider and Albert Deutsch
Reviewed by Murray Ross

pp. 460-461

The Foreign Policy of Thomas F. Bayard, 1885-1897, Charles Callan Tansill
Reviewed by Richard W. Van Alstyne

pp. 462-463

The South Seas in the Modern World, Felix M. Keesing
Reviewed by Morris Siegel

pp. 464-465

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