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Volume 6 - Number 3 - September 1891

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The Final Efforts at Compromise, 1860-61
Frederic Bancroft

pp. 401-423

The Formation of the North German Confederation
Richard Hudson

pp. 424-438

The Present Condition of Political Economy in Italy
Ugo Rabbeno

pp. 439-473

Railroad Stock-Watering
Thomas L. Greene

pp. 474-492

The Writ of Certiorari
Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 493-536

General Booth's Panacea
W. J. Ashley

pp. 537-550

Histoire de la Participation de la France a l'Etablissement des Etats-Uni d'Amerique, Henri Doniol
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 551-554

The Life and Times of John Dickinson, 1732-1808, Charles J. Stillé
Reviewed by Paul Leicester Ford

pp. 554-556

Lewis Cass, Andrew C. McLaughlin
Reviewed by Frederic Bancroft

pp. 556-559

Canada and the Canadian Question, Goldwin Smith

pp. 559-560

Zur Eigenen Lebensgeschichte, Leopold von Ranke and Alfred Dove
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 560-562

P. J. Proudhon: Seine Lehre und Scin Leben, Karl Diehl ; Studien uber Proudhon: Ein Beitrag zum Verstandniss der sozialen Reform, Arthur Mülberger
Reviewed by L. Katzenstein

pp. 563-564

A Short History of Political Economy in England, from Adam Smith to Arnold Toynbee, L. L. Price

pp. 564-565

The Gild Merchant, Charles Gross
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 565-569

Etat des Habitations Ouvrieres a la fin du XIXe Siecle, Émile Cacheux

pp. 569-570

Chapters on the Theory and History of Banking, Charles F. Dunbar ; Laws of the United States relating to Currency, Finance and Banking, from 1789 to 1891, Charles F. Dunbar

pp. 571-572

Die Erbschaftssteuer nach ihrer Ausubung in den ausserdeutschen Staaten, Karl Krüger ; A Handbook to the Death Duties, Sydney Buxton and George Stapylton Barnes

pp. 572-574

Principles of Social Economics Inductively Considered and Practically Applied, with Criticisms on Current Themes, George Gunton
Reviewed by J. B. Clark

pp. 574-578

Luxury, Émile de Laveleye
Reviewed by Simon N. Patten

pp. 578-579

Zur Social- und Gerwerbepolitik der Gegenwart, Gustav Schmoller
Reviewed by John Graham Brooks

pp. 579-581

A Plea for Liberty, Herbert Spencer and Thomas Mackay
Reviewed by A. Dunning

pp. 581-583

An Introduction to Social Philosophy, John S. Mackenzie
Reviewed by George B. Newcomb

pp. 583-586

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