Content in

Volume 62 - Number 3 - September 1947

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On Depression and War: Nazi Phase
Arthur Schweitzer

pp. 321-353

The Reestablishment of the Republic in France: The De Gaulle Era, 1944-1945
John E. Sawyer

pp. 354-367

Nationalization of Key Industries and Credit in France After the Liberation
David H. Pinkney

pp. 368-380

France Moves Toward National Planning
Edgar Beigel

pp. 381-397

IV Revindication of the Principle of Legal Equality of States, 1871-1914
Adolf Lande

pp. 398-417

Comments on Keynesian Economics
Lyle C. Fitch

pp. 418-427

The Theory of Human Culture, James Feibleman
Reviewed by Gregory Bateson

pp. 428-430

Science and Freedom, Lyman Bryson
Reviewed by George H. Sabine

pp. 431-432

The Myth of the State, Ernst Cassirer
Reviewed by Franz L. Neumann

pp. 433-436

The Presidents and the Press, James E. Pollard ; President and Congress, Wilfred E. Binkley
Reviewed by Lawrence H. Chamberlain

pp. 436-438

Congress at the Crossroads, George B. Galloway
Reviewed by Vincent M. Barnett

pp. 439-440

A Free and Responsible Press: A General Report on Mass Communications, Robert M. Hutchins
Reviewed by Frank Luther Mott

pp. 441-443

The Concentration of Economic Power, David Lynch
Reviewed by Alfred R. Oxenfeldt

pp. 443-445

Cartels in Action: Case Studies in International Business Diplomacy, Myron W. Watkins and George W. Stocking
Reviewed by Donald W. O'Connell

pp. 445-447

The Challenge of Industrial Relations: Trade Unions, Management, and the Public Interest, Sumner H. Slichter
Reviewed by P. F. Brissenden

pp. 447-449

Labor and the Law, Charles O. Gregory
Reviewed by Richard B. Morris

pp. 449-451

American Military Government: Its Organization and Policies, Hajo Holborn
Reviewed by Gordon A. Craig

pp. 452-453

Operations in North African Waters, October 1942-June 1943, Samuel Eliot Morison
Reviewed by Ralph Adams Brown

pp. 453-455

Mahan on Sea Power, William E. Livezey
Reviewed by Allan Westcott

pp. 455-456

Management of the Federal Debt, Charles C. Abbott
Reviewed by Marion H. Gillim

pp. 457-458

European Population Transfers, 1939-1945, Joseph B. Schechtman
Reviewed by Joseph P. Chamberlain

pp. 458-460

Alexander I of Russia: The Man Who Defeated Napoleon, Leonid I. Strakhovsky
Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 461-462

Colony to Nation: A History of Canada, A. R. M. Lower ; The Road to Nationhood: A Chronicle of Dominion-Provincial Relations, Wilfrid Eggleston
Reviewed by J. B. Brebner

pp. 462-464

Zachary Taylor, Brainerd Dyer
Reviewed by Dorothy Burne Goebel

pp. 465-466

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