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Volume 71 - Number 3 - September 1956

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Thomas J. Watson

p. 0

The Tasks of Economic Statesmanship in the World Today
Miroslav A. Kriz

pp. 321-340

Andrew Jackson and the Judiciary
Richard P. Longaker

pp. 341-364

Toynbee and the Theory of International Politics
Kenneth W. Thompson

pp. 365-386

Socio-Economic Changes in Post-War Poland
W. J. Stankiewicz

pp. 387-406

Public Aid to Railroads in the Reconstruction South
Carter Goodrich

pp. 407-442

The Politics of the Prussian Army, 1640-1945, Gordon A. Craig
Reviewed by John A. Hawgood

pp. 443-445

The Civilian and the Military, Arthur A. Ekirch
Reviewed by Walter Millis

pp. 445-446

John Quincy Adams and the Union, Samuel Flagg Bemis
Reviewed by Basil Rauch

pp. 446-448

Jefferson Davis: American Patriot, 1808-1861, Hudson Strode
Reviewed by David Donald

pp. 448-450

Revolt of the Moderates, Samuel Lubell ; Eisenhower the President, Merlo J. Pusey
Reviewed by Richard E. Neustadt

pp. 450-453

Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925, John Higham
Reviewed by Oscar Handlin

pp. 453-454

The French Canadians, 1760-1945, Mason Wade
Reviewed by Marine Leland

pp. 454-456

Medieval Political Ideas, Ewart Lewis
Reviewed by Peter Riesenberg

pp. 456-457

The Theory of Economic Growth, W. Arthur Lewis
Reviewed by Edwin P. Reubens

pp. 457-459

The Theory of International Economic Policy. Volume II: Trade and Welfare, J. E. Meade ; Trade and Welfare: Mathematical Supplement, J. E. Meade
Reviewed by Ragnar Nurkse

pp. 459-462

British Industry, 1700-1950, Walther G. Hoffmann, W. O. Henderson and W. H. Chaloner
Reviewed by Gerald M. Meier

pp. 462-463

Pioneering in Big Business, 1882-1911, Ralph W. Hidy and Muriel E. Hidy
Reviewed by Dewey W. Grantham

pp. 466-467

Proposals for Changes in the United Nations, Francis O. Wilcox and Carl M. Marcy
Reviewed by Walter R. Sharp

pp. 468-469

This Is Our World, Louis Fischer
Reviewed by H. Bradford Westerfield

pp. 470-471

Dictators Face to Face, Dino Alfieri and David Moore ; The Rebuilding of Italy: Politics and Economics, 1945-1955, Muriel Grindrod
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 471-473

The Republic of Indonesia, Dorothy Woodman
Reviewed by Amry Vandenbosch

pp. 474-475

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