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Volume 75 - Number 1 - March 1960

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Vladimir Gregorievitch Simkhovitch

p. 0

Ragnar Nurkse

p. 0

Ernest Jackh

p. 0

Political Theory Today
H. R. G. Greaves

pp. 1-16

The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism v. Political Philosophy
Phillip C. Chapman

pp. 17-34

Civil-Military Relations in Great Britain and the United States, 1945-1958
Michael Howard

pp. 35-46

Soviet Agriculture Since 1953
Roger W. Opdahl

pp. 47-65

Oil and Economic Development in Iran
Andrew Galbraith Carey

pp. 66-86

Philanthropy and the Welfare State in Europe
Shepard B. Clough

pp. 87-93

The Dyarchic Pattern of Government and Pakistan's Problems
K. J. Newman

pp. 94-108

The Economic Mind in American Civilization. Volumes Four and Five: 1918-1933, Joseph Dorfman
Reviewed by Thurman Arnold

pp. 109-111

Political Power and Personal Freedom: Critical Studies in Democracy, Communism, and Civil Rights, Sidney Hook
Reviewed by Robert Lekachman

pp. 111-113

Leadership and Political Institutions in India, Richard L. Park and Irene Tinker
Reviewed by Guy Wint

pp. 114-115

The Economy, Liberty and the State, Calvin B. Hoover
Reviewed by Arthur Robert Burns

pp. 115-118

The Campus and the State, Malcolm Moos and Francis E. Rourke
Reviewed by Karl W. Bigelow

pp. 118-119

Massachusetts People and Politics, 1919-1933, J. Joseph Huthmacher
Reviewed by Douglas Price

pp. 120-121

Political Life: Why People Get Involved in Politics, Robert E. Lane ; American Voting Behavior, Eugene Burdick and Arthur J. Brodbeck
Reviewed by E. E. Schattschneider

pp. 121-123

Legislative Behavior: A Reader in Theory and Research, John C. Wahlke and Heinz Eulau
Reviewed by Charles B. Hagan

pp. 123-125

Diplomacy in a Changing World, M. A. Fitzsimons and Stephen D. Kertesz
Reviewed by Leon Gordenker

pp. 125-127

Law in Diplomacy, Percy E. Corbett
Reviewed by C. Wilfred Jenks

pp. 127-129

The Power of Small States: Diplomacy in World War II, Annette Baker Fox
Reviewed by John H. Herz

pp. 129-130

Strategic Surrender: The Politics of Victory and Defeat, Paul Kecskemeti

pp. 131-132

Peaceful Co-Existence: An Analysis of Soviet Foreign Policy, Wladyslaw W. Kulski
Reviewed by Alexander Dallin

pp. 132-134

Neutralism and Nationalism in France: A Case Study, John T. Marcus
Reviewed by Adrienne D. Hytier

pp. 134-135

Dream and Reality: Aspects of American Foreign Policy, Louis J. Halle
Reviewed by Nathaniel Peffer

pp. 135-137

Crisis Diplomacy: A History of U. S. Intervention Policies and Practices, D. A. Graber
Reviewed by Henry F. Graff

pp. 137-139

The Uncertain Ally, John Biggs-Davison
Reviewed by Norman A. Graebner

pp. 139-140

Communism and British Intellectuals, Neal Wood
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 140-142

Australia's Outlook on Asia, Werner Levi ; Commonwealth Perspectives, Nicholas Mansergh
Reviewed by J. D. B. Miller

pp. 142-144

Communism in American Unions, David J. Saposs
Reviewed by Carroll Hawkins

pp. 144-145

The Italian Fascist Party in Power: A Study in Totalitarian Rule, Dante L. Germino
Reviewed by G. Lowell Field

pp. 145-147

An Encyclopedia of Parliament, Norman Wilding, Philip Laundy and The Viscount Malvern
Reviewed by Neal Wood

pp. 147-148

John Maitland of Thirlestane and the Foundation of the Stewart Despotism in Scotland, Maurice Lee
Reviewed by Sidney A. Burrell

pp. 148-150

A Diderot Pictorial Encyclopedia of Trades and Industry, Manufacturing and the Technical Arts, Charles Coulston Gillispie and Denis Diderot
Reviewed by Peter Gay

pp. 150-151

A History of Japan to 1334, George Sansom
Reviewed by Minoru Shinoda

pp. 152-153

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