Content in

Volume 81 - Number 3 - September 1966

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The Longer-Run Prospects for the U.S. Balance of Payments
James W. Angell

pp. 355-369

Lenin and the Social Democratic Schools for Underground Party Workers, 1909-11
Ralph Carter Elwood

pp. 370-391

National Economic Interest Groups and Policy Formation in the EEC
Werner Feld

pp. 392-411

Whiggism in India
Ganesh Prashad

pp. 412-431

Political Patterns in Colonial New York City: The General Assembly Election of 1768
Patricia Updegraff Bonomi

pp. 432-447

The Judicial Mind: The Attitudes and Ideologies of Supreme Court Justices, 1946-1963, Glendon Schubert
Reviewed by Albert J. Rosenthal

pp. 448-451

E Pluribus Unum: The Formation of the American Republic, 1776-1790, Forrest McDonald
Reviewed by Staughton Lynd

pp. 451-453

The Papers of James Madison, Volume 4, William T. Hutchinson
Reviewed by William G. Carleton

pp. 453-454

The Revolution of American Conservatism: The Federalist Party in the Era of Jeffersonian Democracy, David Hackett Fischer
Reviewed by Roger H. Brown

pp. 454-456

Populists, Plungers and Progressives: A Social History of Stock and Commodity Speculation, 1890-1936, Cedric B. Cowing
Reviewed by Allan G. Bogue

pp. 456-457

La Guardia Comes to Power: 1933, Arthur Mann
Reviewed by Wallace S. Sayre

pp. 457-458

The Southerner and World Affairs, Alfred O. Hero
Reviewed by Paul Seabury

pp. 458-461

Politics and the Warren Court, Alexander M. Bickel
Reviewed by Harold W. Chase

pp. 461-462

Kurt Schumacher: A Study in Personality and Political Behavior, Lewis J. Edinger
Reviewed by Arnold A. Rogow

pp. 462-464

The Federation of German Industry in Politics, Gerard Braunthal
Reviewed by Kurt L. Shell

pp. 464-466

Das Nationalitatenproblem der Habsburgermonarchie. Vol. I: Das Reich und die Volker. Vol. II: Ideen und Plane zur Reichsreform, Robert A. Kann
Reviewed by E. C. Helmreich

pp. 466-467

Statesmanship and Party Government: A Study of Burke and Bolingbroke, Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.
Reviewed by Neal Wood

pp. 467-469

English History, 1914-1945, A. J. P. Taylor
Reviewed by Richard W. Lyman

pp. 469-470

The Dominion Partnership in Imperial Defense, 1870-1914, Donald C. Gordon
Reviewed by Gerald S. Graham

pp. 470-472

The Future of Canadian Federalism, C. B. Macpherson and P. A. Crepeau
Reviewed by Helen Taft Manning

pp. 472-473

Napoleon and the Birth of Modern Spain, Gabriel H. Lovett
Reviewed by Jeffry Kaplow

pp. 474-475

The Three Lives of Charles de Gaulle, David Schoenbrun
Reviewed by Eugen Weber

pp. 475-476

Lost Soldiers: The French Army and Empire in Crisis, 1947-1962, George Armstrong Kelly
Reviewed by Gordon Wright

pp. 477-478

Law in the Soviet Society, Wayne R. LaFave
Reviewed by Harold J. Berman

pp. 478-479

Mao and the Chinese Revolution, Mao Tse-Tung and Michael Bullock
Reviewed by O. Edmund Clubb

pp. 479-481

The Chinese Model: A Political, Economic, and Social Survey, Werner Klatt
Reviewed by Thomas P. Bernstein

pp. 481-483

The Urbanization of Japanese Labor, 1868-1955, Thomas O. Wilkinson
Reviewed by Thomas C. Smith

pp. 483-484

Wax and Gold: Tradition and Innovation in Ethiopian Culture, Donald N. Levine ; Ethiopia: A New Political History, Richard Greenfield
Reviewed by Elliott P. Skinner

pp. 485-486

The Malagasy Republic: Madagascar Today, Virginia Thompson and Richard Adloff
Reviewed by Raymond K. Kent

pp. 486-487

The Foreign Policy of African States, Doudou Thiam
Reviewed by Gwendolen M. Carter

pp. 488-489

Islam in the Modern National State, E. I. J. Rosenthal
Reviewed by G. E. von Grunebaum

pp. 489-491

Federalism in India: A Study of Union-State Relations, Asok Chanda
Reviewed by Arthur W. Macmahon

pp. 491-494

The Rise of Indonesian Communism, Ruth T. McVey
Reviewed by Fred R. von der Mehden

pp. 494-496

Brazil and Africa, José Honório Rodriques, Richard A. Mazzara and Sam Hileman
Reviewed by C. R. Boxer

pp. 496-498

Intervention and Dollar Diplomacy in the Caribbean, 1920-1921, Dana G. Munro
Reviewed by Dexter Perkins

pp. 498-499

International Behavior: A Social-Psychological Analysis, Herbert C. Kelman
Reviewed by Leonard W. Doob

pp. 499-501

International Political Communication, W. Phillips Davison
Reviewed by Kurt Lang

pp. 501-502

The Theory and Method of Political Analysis, Eugene J. Meehan
Reviewed by Neal Riemer

pp. 502-504

Peter and Caesar: The Catholic Church and Political Authority, E. A. Goerner
Reviewed by Guenter Lewy

pp. 504-505

United Nations Forces: A Legal Study, D. W. Bowett
Reviewed by Leland M. Goodrich

pp. 505-508

An Introduction to Strategy, André Beaufre and R. H. Barry
Reviewed by Howard L. Boorman

pp. 508-510

Analytical Philosophy of History, Arthur C. Danto
Reviewed by W. H. Dray

pp. 510-512

Psychiatric Justice, Thomas S. Szasz
Reviewed by Lawrence Zelic Freedman

pp. 512-513

Sociological Writings, Vilfredo Pareto, S. E. Finer and Derick Mirfin
Reviewed by George C. Homans

pp. 513-515

Individual Freedom and the Economic Organization of Agriculture, Harold F. Breimyer
Reviewed by Mordecai Ezekiel

pp. 515-517

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