Libel and Academic Freedom: A Law Suit Against Political Extremists, Arnold M. Rose Reviewed by Osmond K. Fraenkel
pp. 106-108
The Political Life of American Teachers, Harmon Zeigler Reviewed by William C. Spragens
pp. 108-109
Power, Presidents, and Professors, Nicholas J. Demerath, Richard W. Stephens and R. Robb Taylor Reviewed by Amos H. Hawley
pp. 109-110
The Younger John Winthrop, Robert C. Black Reviewed by Frederick B. Tolles
pp. 110-111
The Origins of American Politics, Bernard Bailyn Reviewed by Caroline Robbins
pp. 111-113
The British Empire before the American Revolution. Volume XIII: The Triumphant Empire--Part I, The Empire Beyond the Storm, 1770-1776; Part II, A Summary of the Series; Part III, Historiography, Lawrence Henry Gipson Reviewed by Alden Vaughan
pp. 113-114
The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, Vol. XII: July-Oct. 1792, Vol. XIII: Nov. 1792-Feb. 1793, Harold C. Syrett and Jacob E. Cooke Reviewed by Broadus Mitchell
pp. 114-116
Between Two Worlds: Policy, Press, and Public Opinion in Asian-American Relations, John Hohenberg ;
The Opinionmakers: The Washington Press Corps, William L. Rivers Reviewed by Bernard C. Cohen
pp. 116-117
The United States in World Affairs: 1966, Richard P. Stebbins ;
Documents on American Foreign Relations: 1966, Richard P. Stebbins and Elaine P. Adam Reviewed by Cecil V. Crabb
pp. 118-119
England and the Fronde: The Impact of the English Civil War and Revolution on France, Philip A. Knachel Reviewed by Orest Ranum
pp. 119-120
Parliament, Parties, and Society in France: 1946-1958, Duncan MacRae Reviewed by Philip M. Williams
pp. 120-121
The Rise of Fascism, Francis L. Carsten Reviewed by Gerhard L. Weinberg
pp. 122-123
Munich: "Peace in Our Time", Henri Noguères and Patrick O'Brian Reviewed by Herbert Feis
pp. 123-124
The Coming of the Italian-Ethiopian War, George W. Baer Reviewed by C. L. Mowat
pp. 124-125
The Russian Revolution of 1905: The Workers' Movement and the Formation of Bolshevism and Menshevism, Solomon M. Schwarz and Gertrude Vakar ;
Prelude to Revolution: The Petrograd Bolsheviks and the July 1917 Uprising, Alexander Rabinowitch Reviewed by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky
pp. 126-127
Russia 1917: The February Revolution, George Katkov Reviewed by Alexander Rabinowitch
pp. 127-129
Eastern Europe in Transition, Kurt London Reviewed by Henry Krisch
pp. 129-130
Poland's Politics: Idealism vs. Realism, Adam Bromke Reviewed by Joseph Rothschild
pp. 130-132
Evolution and Society: A Study in Victorian Social Theory, J. W. Burrow Reviewed by Kenneth E. Bock
pp. 132-134
A Sociology of English Religion, David Martin Reviewed by J. Milton Yinger
pp. 134-135
No End of a Lesson: The Inside Story of the Suez Crisis, Anthony Nutting Reviewed by Ernest Stock
pp. 136-137
The Road to Jerusalem: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1967, Walter Laqueur ;
Israel and World Politics: Roots of the Third Arab-Israeli War, Theodore Draper Reviewed by O. M. Smolansky
pp. 137-139
Friends Not Masters, Mohammad Ayub Khan Reviewed by Wayne Wilcox
pp. 139-140
Succession to High Office, Jack Goody Reviewed by Terence K. Hopkins
pp. 140-143
British Honduras: Colonial Dead End, 1859-1900, Wayne M. Clegern Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander
pp. 143-145
Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima, Robert Jay Lifton Reviewed by Bruno Bettelheim
pp. 145-147
Formosa, China, and the United Nations: Formosa in the World Community, Harold D. Lasswell and Lung-chu Chen
pp. 147-151
Francis Bacon: From Magic to Science, Paolo Rossi and Sacha Rabinovitch Reviewed by J. Bronowski
pp. 151-152
Max Scheler, 1874-1928: An Intellectual Portrait, John Raphael Staude Reviewed by Kurt H. Wolff
pp. 152-154
The Principles of Politics, J. R. Lucas Reviewed by M. M. Goldsmith
pp. 156-157
Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives, Stein Rokkan and Seymour M. Lipset Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein
pp. 158-159
The Cold War as History, Louis J. Halle Reviewed by Paul Seabury
pp. 159-160
Economic Nationalism in Old and New States, Harry G. Johnson Reviewed by Arthur Robert Burns
pp. 160-162
The Common Aid Effort: The Development Assistance Activities of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Milton J. Esman and Daniel S. Cheever Reviewed by Doris A. Graber
pp. 162-163
The Economics of Development in Small Countries with Special Reference to the Caribbean, William G. Demas Reviewed by Lloyd Best
pp. 163-165