Content in

Volume 85 - Number 2 - June 1970

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Normality as a Factor in Contemporary Political Life
Morton Levitt, Ben Rubenstein

pp. 171-186

1898 and 1968: The Anti-Imperialists and the Doves
Robert L. Beisner

pp. 187-216

Britain and America: Some Requisites of Executive Leadership Compared
Alexander J. Groth

pp. 217-239

The French Revolution in Comparative Perspective
Bruce Mazlish

pp. 240-258

Machiavelli and Madison: Perspectives on Political Stability
David E. Ingersoll

pp. 259-280

The Strategy of World Order. Vol. I, Toward a Theory of War Prevention. Vol. II, International Law. Vol. III, The United Nations. Vol. IV, Disarmament and Economic and Economic Development, Richard A. Falk and Saul H. Mendlovitz
Reviewed by Evan Luard

pp. 281-283

The Years of Opportunity: The League of Nations, 1920-1926, Byron Dexter
Reviewed by Leland M. Goodrich

pp. 283-284

Political Theory and Social Change, David Spitz
Reviewed by Carl J. Friedrich

pp. 284-286

Political Theory and the Rights of Man, D. D. Raphael
Reviewed by Sanford A. Lakoff

pp. 286-288

Politics Battle Plan, Herbert M. Baus and William B. Ross
Reviewed by Elmo Roper

pp. 288-290

Ideology and Electoral Action: A Comparative Case Study of the National Committee for an Effective Congress, Harry M. Scoble
Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf

pp. 290-291

The Notion of the State: An Introduction to Political Theory, Alexander Passerin d'Entrèves
Reviewed by J. Roland Pennock

pp. 291-293

A Theory of Political Integration, Claude Ake
Reviewed by I. William Zartman

pp. 293-294

Newcastle's New York: Anglo-American Politics, 1732-1753, Stanley Nider Katz
Reviewed by Patricia U. Bonomi

pp. 294-297

Utopia and Reality: A Collective Portrait of American Socialists, Betty Yorburg
Reviewed by Earl Browder

pp. 297-298

Most Uncommon Jacksonians: The Radical Leaders of the Early Labor Movement, Edward Pessen
Reviewed by David Montgomery

pp. 298-299

The Brains Trust, R. G. Tugwell
Reviewed by J. Joseph Huthmacher

pp. 299-301

The Agony of the American Left, Christopher Lasch
Reviewed by Henry S. Kariel

pp. 301-303

Cubans in Exile: Disaffection and the Revolution, Richard R. Fagan, Richard A. Brody and Thomas J. O'Leary
Reviewed by Maurice Zeitlin

pp. 303-304

Canada and "Imperial Defense": A Study of the Origins of the British Commonwealth's Defense Organization, 1867-1919, Richard A. Preston
Reviewed by Robin W. Winks

pp. 304-306

Court and Country: 1688-1702, Dennis Rubini
Reviewed by Caroline Robbins

pp. 306-307

Professional Men: The Rise of the Professional Classes in Nineteenth- Century England, W. J. Reader
Reviewed by Charles F. Mullett

pp. 308-309

Entscheidungsjahr 1932, Werner E. Mosse and Arnold Paucker
Reviewed by Werner T. Angress

pp. 309-311

Spain: 1808-1936, Raymond Carr
Reviewed by Edward E. Malefakis

pp. 311-312

Histoire du Languedoc, Philippe Wolff
Reviewed by John H. Mundy

pp. 312-313

The Obstructed Path: French Social Thought in the Years of Desperation, 1930-1960, H. Stuart Hughes
Reviewed by François Furet

pp. 313-315

France and Algeria: The Problem of Civil and Political Reform, 1870-1920, Vincent Confer
Reviewed by Charles-Robert Ageron

pp. 315-316

Rebirth of a Nation: The Origins and Rise of Moroccan Nationalism, 1912- 1944, John P. Halstead
Reviewed by Helen-Anne B. Rivlin

pp. 317-318

The Knights of St. John in Jerusalem and Cyprus, c. 1050-1310, Jonathan Riley-Smith
Reviewed by Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz

pp. 318-319

Cyprus, Conflict and Conciliation, 1954-1958, Stephen G. Xydis
Reviewed by Francois Crouzet

pp. 320-321

The Imperial Frontier in the Tropics, 1865-75: A Study of British Colonial Policy in West Africa, Malaya, and the South Pacific in the Age of Gladstone and Disraeli, W. David McIntyre
Reviewed by Jean Herskovits

pp. 322-324

Colonial Development and Good Government: A Study of the Ideas Expressed by the British Official Classes in Planning Decolonization, 1939-1964, J. M. Lee
Reviewed by Rowland Egger

pp. 324-326

African Integration and Disintegration: Case Studies in Economic and Political Union, Arthur Hazlewood
Reviewed by Gwendolen M. Carter

pp. 326-327

National Unity and Regionalism in Eight African States, Gwendolen M. Carter
Reviewed by Jack Goody

pp. 327-329

Peasant Agriculture, Government, and Economic Growth in Nigeria, Gerald K. Helleiner
Reviewed by Edwin Dean

pp. 329-330

The Myth of "Mau Mau": Nationalism in Kenya, Carl G. Rosberg and John Nottingham
Reviewed by Barbette Blackington

pp. 331-333

Gabon: Nation-Building on the Ogooue, Brian Weinstein
Reviewed by J. W. Fernandez

pp. 333-335

South West Africa and its Human Issues, John H. Wellington
Reviewed by Marcia Wright

pp. 335-336

India and Ceylon, Unity and Diversity, Philip Mason ; Challenges in India, Taya Zinkin
Reviewed by Howard Wriggins

pp. 337-339

Party Building in a New Nation: The Indian National Congress, Myron Weiner
Reviewed by Wayne Wilcox

pp. 339-341

Laos: Buffer State or Battleground, Hugh Toye ; Ho Chi Minh: A Political Biography, Jean Lacouture and Peter Wiles
Reviewed by Roger Hilsman

pp. 341-342

Agricultural Production and the Economic Development of Japan, 1873-1922, James I. Nakamura
Reviewed by Gustav Ranis

pp. 343-345

Imperial Japan's Higher Civil Service Examinations, Robert M. Spaulding
Reviewed by James W. White

pp. 345-348

Modern Japanese Leadership: Transition and Change, Bernard S. Silberman and Harry D. Harootunian
Reviewed by Byron K. Marshall

pp. 348-350

China in Crisis, Vol. I: China's Heritage and the Communist Political System, Ping-Ti Ho, Tang Tsou and Charles U. Daly ; China in Crisis, Vol. II: China's Policies in Asia and America's Alternatives, Tang Tsou and Charles U. Daly
Reviewed by Owen Lattimore

pp. 350-352

The Soviet Military and The Communist Party, Roman Kolkowicz ; The Role of the Chinese Army, John Gittings
Reviewed by Harold D. Lasswell

pp. 352-355

The Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Communist Party, 1927-1932, Loren R. Graham
Reviewed by J. G. Crowther

pp. 355-356

Fiscal Harmonization in Common Markets, Volume I: Theory; Volume II: Practice, Carl S. Shoup
Reviewed by Bela Balassa

pp. 356-358

Development Projects Observed, Albert O. Hirschman
Reviewed by Walter A. Chudson

pp. 358-360

Economic Evaluation of Urban Renewal: Conceptual Foundations of Benefit- Cost Analysis, Jerome Rothenberg
Reviewed by James Heilbrun

pp. 360-362

Why Growth Rates Differ, Edward F. Denison and Jean-Pierre Poullier
Reviewed by Irma Adelman

pp. 362-363

Socialism, Capitalism and Economic Growth: Essays Presented to Maurice Dobb, C. H. Feinstein

pp. 363-365

Personality, Power and Politics: A Social Psychological Analysis of the Italian Deputy and His Parliamentary System, Gordon J. DiRenzo
Reviewed by Fred I. Greenstein

pp. 365-368

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