Content in

Volume 86 - Number 4 - December 1971

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Toward a Unified Social Science
Carl Landauer

pp. 563-585

Local Leadership and the Typology of New England Towns, 1700-1785
Edward M. Cook

pp. 586-608

Labor Forces and Race Relations: A Comparative View of the Colonization of Brazil and Virginia
Richard R. Beeman

pp. 609-636

Giolitti's Reform Program: An Exercise in Equilibrium Politics
Sándor Agócs

pp. 637-653

Economic Growth of Nations. Total Output and Production Structure, Simon Kuznets
Reviewed by W. W. Rostow

pp. 654-657

Underdevelopment and Economic Nationalism in Southeast Asia, Frank H. Golay, Ralph Anspach, M. Ruth Pfanner and Eliezer B. Ayal
Reviewed by Janos Horvath

pp. 657-659

Types of Economic Theory, Vol. II: From Mercantilism to Institutionalism, Wesley C. Mitchell and Joseph Dorfman
Reviewed by P. Sargant Florence

pp. 659-660

Nationalism and Its Alternatives, Karl W. Deutsch
Reviewed by Walker Connor

pp. 661-662

Euratlantica: Changing Perspectives of the European Elites, Daniel Lerner and Morton Gordon
Reviewed by Gertrud Lenzer

pp. 662-665

The Ideology of Fascism: The Rationale of Totalitarianism, A. James Gregor ; Fascism Today: A World Survey, Angelo Del Boca, Mario Giovana and R. H. Boothroyd
Reviewed by Gerhard L. Weinberg

pp. 665-667

Bayern in Umbruch. Die Revolution von 1918, ihre Voraussetzungen, ihr Verlauf und ihre Folgen, Karl Bosl
Reviewed by Allan Mitchell

pp. 667-669

French Socialists in Search of a Role, 1956-1967, Harvey G. Simmons
Reviewed by Nathanael Greene

pp. 669-670

The French Presence in Cochinchina and Cambodia: Rule and Response, 1859- 1905, Milton E. Osborne
Reviewed by John F. Cady

pp. 670-671

Whitehall Diary, Vol. I: 1916-1925, Thomas Jones and Keith Middlemas
Reviewed by Richard W. Lyman

pp. 671-673

Egypt and Cromer: A Study in Anglo-Egyptian Relations, Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid

pp. 673-675

Soviet Perspectives on International Relations, 1956-1967, William Zimmerman
Reviewed by Hans J. Morgenthau

pp. 675-676

Communism and the Yugoslav National Question, Paul Shoup ; Yugoslavia: The New Class in Crisis, Nenad D. Popovic
Reviewed by Josef Korbel

pp. 676-678

Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, Dean Acheson
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 678-680

High on Foggy Bottom: An Outsider's Inside View of the Government, Charles Frankel
Reviewed by Philip H. Coombs

pp. 680-682

The American Occupation of Germany: Politics and the Military, 1945-1949, John Gimbel
Reviewed by Henry Krisch

pp. 682-683

The New Deal and the States: Federalism in Transition, James T. Patterson
Reviewed by Charles E. Gilbert

pp. 683-685

The Politics of Provincialism: The Democratic Party in Transition, 1918- 1932, David Burner
Reviewed by Bernard Bellush

pp. 685-686

We Shall be All, Melvyn Dubofsky
Reviewed by David Brody

pp. 686-688

The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau, Charles E. Rosenberg
Reviewed by William C. Spragens

pp. 688-689

The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787, Gordon S. Wood
Reviewed by E. James Ferguson

pp. 690-693

Twentieth Century Pilgrimage: Walter Lippmann and the Public Philosophy, Charles Wellborn ; Walter Lippmann: Philosopher-Journalist, Edward L. Schapsmeier and Frederick H. Schapsmeier
Reviewed by Harold C. Relyea

pp. 693-695

Varieties of Police Behavior: The Management of Law and Order in Eight Communities, James Q. Wilson
Reviewed by Herbert Kaufman

pp. 695-697

Voting for President: The Electoral College and the American Political System, Wallace S. Sayre and Judith H. Parris
Reviewed by David B. Truman

pp. 697-699

Vietnam and China, 1938-1954, King C. Chen ; Geneva 1954: The Settlement of the Indochinese War, Robert F. Randle
Reviewed by Melvin Gurtov

pp. 699-701

Politics and Social Conflict in South India: The Non-Brahman Movement and Tamil Separatism, 1916-1929, Eugene F. Irschick
Reviewed by Leonard A. Gordon

pp. 701-702

The Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi, Robert Payne ; Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence, Erik H. Erikson
Reviewed by Homer A. Jack

pp. 702-704

The Ordeal of Nationhood: A Social Study of India Since Independence, Krishan Bhatia
Reviewed by Chester Bowles

pp. 704-706

A View from New Delhi: Selected Speeches and Writings, Chester Bowles ; Uncertain India: A Political Profile of Two Decades of Freedom, Pran Chopra
Reviewed by Moni Nag

pp. 707-708

Japan's First General Election, 1890, R. H. P. Mason
Reviewed by Peter Duus

pp. 708-710

Soka Gakkai, Builders of the Third Civilization: American and Japanese Members, James Allen Dator
Reviewed by Bernard S. Silberman

pp. 710-711

How the Conservatives Rule Japan, Nathaniel B. Thayer
Reviewed by Roger W. Benjamin

pp. 711-713

Chief, Council and Commissioner: Some Problems of Government in Rhodesia, J. F. Holleman ; Rhodesia: A Study of the Deterioration of a White Society, Frank Clements
Reviewed by Joan Vincent

pp. 713-715

From Union to Apartheid: A Trek to Isolation, Margaret Ballinger
Reviewed by Absolom L. Vilakazi

pp. 715-716

The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census, Philip D. Curtin
Reviewed by Nicolas Sanchez-Albornoz

pp. 716-717

Political Power in Latin America: Seven Confrontations, Richard R. Fagen and Wayne A. Cornelius ; Barrios in Arms: Revolution in Santo Domingo, José A. Moreno
Reviewed by Ronald M. Schneider

pp. 717-719

Crisis in Brazil, Octavio Ianni and Phyllis B. Eveleth
Reviewed by E. Bradford Burns

pp. 719-720

Pressure Groups and Power Elites in Peruvian Politics, Carlos A. Astiz ; Peru, Robert Marett
Reviewed by James Petras

pp. 720-721

Subversion and Social Change in Colombia, Orlando Fals Borda and Jacquelin D. Skiles
Reviewed by Frank Safford

pp. 721-723

American Boarding Schools: A Historical Study, James McLachlan
Reviewed by Eric Ashby

pp. 723-724

The Rise of the Student Estate in Britain, Eric Ashby and Mary Anderson
Reviewed by Robert McCaughey

pp. 725-726

The Sectarian College and the Public Purse: Fordham--A Case Study, Walter Gellhorn and R. Kent Greenawalt
Reviewed by Joseph H. Fichter

pp. 726-727

The Social Bond: An Introduction to the Study of Society, Robert A. Nisbet
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 727-728

Race and the Social Sciences, Irwin Katz and Patricia Gurin
Reviewed by Alexander Alland

pp. 728-729

Structure and Performance of the U.S. Communications Industry: Government Regulation and Company Planning, Kurt Borchardt
Reviewed by Harvey J. Levin

pp. 729-731

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