The Imperial Republic: The United States and the World, 1945-1973, Raymond Aron Reviewed by Grayson Kirk
pp. 133-135
Kissinger, Marvin Kalb and Bernard Kalb Reviewed by John Gimbel
pp. 135-136
Nuclear Theft: Risks and Safeguards, Mason Willrich and Theodore B. Taylor Reviewed by George H. Quester
pp. 136-138
Why Nations Go to War, John G. Stoessinger Reviewed by Samuel R. Williamson
pp. 138-139
The United Nations in a Changing World, Leland M. Goodrich Reviewed by Inis L. Claude, Jr.
pp. 139-141
Multinational Companies and the Third World, Louis Turner Reviewed by Rosemary Galli
pp. 141-142
Bureaucratic Politics and Foreign Policy, Morton Halperin, Priscilla Clapp and Arnold Kanter Reviewed by Robert H. Trice
pp. 143-144
The Economics of Peacetime Defense, Murray L. Weidenbaum Reviewed by Barry M. Blechman
pp. 144-146
The Security Council: A Study in Adolescence, Richard Hiscocks Reviewed by Leland M. Goodrich
pp. 146-147
The International Law of Pollution, James Barros and Douglas M. Johnston Reviewed by Howard J. Taubenfeld
p. 148
Democrats and Progressives: The 1948 Presidential Election as a Test of Postwar Liberalism, Allen Yarnell Reviewed by Norman D. Markowitz
pp. 149-150
Choosing the President, James David Barber Reviewed by Dale Vinyard
p. 150
Executive Privilege: A Constitutional Myth, Raoul Berger ;
The Executive Privilege: Presidential Control over Information, Adam Carlyle Breckenridge Reviewed by Robert H. Hammel
pp. 151-153
Media and the First Amendment in a Free Society, Georgetown Law Journal Reviewed by John A. Morgan
pp. 153-155
Elites in the Policy Process, Robert Presthus Reviewed by Sharon A. Smith
pp. 155-156
When Governments Come to Washington: Governors, Mayors, and Intergovernmental Lobbying, Donald H. Haider Reviewed by Richard H. Leach
pp. 157-158
Urban Outcomes, Aaron Wildavsky, Frank S. Levy and Arnold J. Meltsner Reviewed by Peter A. Lupsha
pp. 158-160
Race and Authority in Urban Politics: Community Participation and the War on Poverty, J. David Greenstone and Paul E. Peterson Reviewed by Joel D. Aberbach
pp. 160-162
Urban Economic Development: Suburbanization, Minority Opportunity, and the Condition of the Central City, Bennett Harrison Reviewed by Robert D. Reischauer
pp. 162-164
The Recruitment of Political Leaders: A Study of Citizen-Politicians, Kenneth Prewitt ;
The Threads of Public Policy: A Study in Policy Leadership, Robert Eyestone ;
City Mangers in Legislative Politics, Robert O. Loveridge ;
Local Interest Politics: A One-Way Street, Betty H. Zisk ;
Labyrinths of Democracy: Adaptations, Linkages, Representation, and Policies in Urban Politics, Heinz Eulau and Kenneth Prewitt Reviewed by Dean Grimes Farrer
pp. 164-167
The Urban Wilderness: A History of the American City, Sam Bass Warner Reviewed by John W. Chambers
pp. 167-168
From Colony to Country: The Revolution in American Thought, 1750-1820, Ralph Ketcham Reviewed by Stephen Botein
pp. 169-170
Essays on the American Revolution, Stephen G. Kurtz and James H. Hutson Reviewed by Richard E. Ellis
pp. 170-172
The National Urban League 1910-1940, Nancy J. Weiss Reviewed by Marsha Hurst
pp. 173-174
Robert L. Vann of the Pittsburgh Courier: Politics and Black Journalism, Andrew Buni Reviewed by Luther P. Jackson
pp. 174-176
Accounting for United States Economic Growth, 1929-1969, Edward F. Denison Reviewed by Raymond J. Saulnier
pp. 176-177
Urban Economics and Public Policy, James Heilbrun Reviewed by Seymour Sacks
pp. 177-178
The Other South: Southern Dissenters in the Nineteenth Century, Carl N. Degler Reviewed by George M. Fredrickson
pp. 178-180
Organized Labor and the Black Worker, 1619-1973, Philip S. Foner Reviewed by Daniel J. Leab
pp. 180-182
The Modern World System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century, Immanuel Wallerstein Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser
pp. 182-183
Lion Rampant: Essays in the Study of British Imperialism, D. A. Low Reviewed by John W. Cell
pp. 183-185
Decline or Renewal? France Since the 1930's, Stanley Hoffmann Reviewed by Ezra N. Suleiman
pp. 185-187
Expansion and Coexistence: Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-1973, Adam B. Ulam Reviewed by Robert G. Wesson
pp. 187-189
A History of Russian and Soviet Sea Power, Donald W. Mitchell ;
Soviet Naval Developments: Capability and Context, Michael MccGwire Reviewed by Hannah J. Zawadzka
pp. 189-191
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile, Paul M. Sweezy and Harry Magdoff Reviewed by Elizabeth Farnsworth
pp. 192-193
The Politics of Massacre: Political Processes in South Vietnam, Charles A. Joiner Reviewed by Cynthia H. Enloe
pp. 193-194
The Political Culture of Japan, Bradley M. Richardson Reviewed by John Creighton Campbell
pp. 195-196
Indira: A Biography of Prime Minister Gandhi, Krishan Bhatia Reviewed by Donald E. Smith
pp. 196-197