Content in

Volume 10 - Number 4 - December 1895

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A Retrospect

pp. 565-572

The Treasury Reserve and the Bond Syndicate
Alexander D. Noyes

pp. 573-602

The Decrease of Interstate Migration
Walter F. Willcox

pp. 603-614

Five Centuries of Liquor Legislation in England
Edward Porritt

pp. 615-635

Geography as a Sociological Study
William Z. Ripley

pp. 636-655

The German Emperor and the Federal Council
Richard Hudson

pp. 656-663

Four German Jurists
Munroe Smith

pp. 664-692

Record of Political Events

pp. 737-756

Feudal England, J. H. Round
Reviewed by Charles M. Andrews

pp. 693-696

A Student's Manual of English Constitutional History, Dudley Julius Medley
Reviewed by H. L. Osgood

pp. 696-697

Mediaeval Europe, 814-1300, Ephraim Emerton
Reviewed by George Louis Beer

pp. 698-699

A History of Spain, Ulick Ralph Burke
Reviewed by Edward G. Bourne

p. 700

La Diplomatie Francaise et la Ligue des Neutres de 1780 (1776-1783), Paul Fauchille
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 701-702

The Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens, Gustav Gilbert, E. J. Brooks, T. Nicklin and J. E. Sandys ; The Political Institutions of the Ancient Greeks, Basil E. Hammond
Reviewed by Clarence H. Young

pp. 702-705

The American Commonwealth, James Bryce
Reviewed by W. P. Trent

pp. 705-708

The American Congress, Joseph West Moore
Reviewed by A. C. McLaughlin

pp. 708-710

Le Gouvernement Local de l'Angleterre, Maurice Vauthier ; L'Administration Locale de l'Angleterre, Pierre Arminjon
Reviewed by Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 711-713

Etudes sur la Competence Civile a l'Egard des Etats Etrangers et de Leurs Agents Politiques, Diplomatiques ou Consulaires, P. de Paepe
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 713-714

Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation, Thomas Hill Green

pp. 715-718

La Teoria del Valore nella Storia della Dottrine e dei Fatti Economici, G. Ricca Salerno
Reviewed by Ugo Rabbeno

pp. 718-723

Economics and Socialism, F. M. Laycock
Reviewed by J. B. Clark

pp. 723-724

Report of the Massachusetts Board to Investigate the Subject of the Unemployed, Davis R. Dewey, David F. Moreland and Haven C. Perham
Reviewed by John Franklin Crowell

pp. 724-727

Life and Labour of the People in London, Charles Booth
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 727-729

La Question Monetaire, G. M. Boissevain and J. F. Rode
Reviewed by J. B. Clark

pp. 729-730

Principles and Practice of Finance: a Practical Guide for Banks, Merchants and Lawyers, Edward Carroll
Reviewed by Max West

pp. 730-731

La Propriete Fonciere en Grece, jusqu'a la Conquete Romaine, Paul Guiraud
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 731-732

A Scientific Solution of the Money Question, Arthur Kitson
Reviewed by H. C. Emery

pp. 732-734

The American Historical Review, J. Franklin Jameson, H. Morse Stephens, G. B. Adams, A. B. Hart, H. P. Judson, J. B. McMaster and W. M. Sloane
Reviewed by H. L. Osgood

pp. 734-735

Les Origines du Droit International, Ernest Nys
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 735-736

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