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Volume 106 - Number 3 - Fall 1991

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Bound to Follow? Leadership and Followership in the Gulf Conflict
Andrew Fenton Cooper, Richard A. Higgott, and Kim Richard Nossal take issue with the common view that the Gulf conflict provides an example of successful American leadership in international politics. They argue that if leadership is examined from the perspective of the follower instead of the leader, the American role in the Gulf war emerges in a different light.

pp. 391-410

A Palestinian State and Israeli Security
Jerome Slater argues that Israeli security would be enhanced rather than threatened by the creation of a Palestinian state, so long as there are appropriate safeguards against Palestinian irredentism or the use of the West Bank as a base for an attack on Israel by major Arab States.

pp. 411-429

Reassurance in International Conflict Management
Janice Gross Stein explores strategies of reassurance that can contribute to the prevention of the use of force among adversaries. She assesses their strengths and weaknesses and identifies the conditions under which strategies of reassurance can complement or supplement the threats that underlie deterrence.

pp. 431-451

Health Care Market Reform in Congress: The Uncertain Path from Proposal to Policy
Thomas R. Oliver looks at the national debate over health care reform of a decade ago and congressional policy decisions on the issue. He analyzes why Congress rejected proposals to stimulate broad competition in the financing and delivery of health care services and instead enacted a more narrow system to regulate hospital costs for the Medicare program.

pp. 453-477

Participation and Policy Making in Senate Committees
C. Lawrence Evans analyzes patterns of participation in U.S. Senate committees. Drawing on interviews with senators and Senate staff members, he concludes that influencing committee decisions tends to be selective, often including just three or four senators.

pp. 479-498

Corrrection: Interpreting the Constitution: The Supreme Court and the Process of Adjudication.

p. 578

President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime, Lou Cannon ; A Very Thin Line: The Iran-Contra Affairs, Theodore Draper ; The National Security Constitution, Harold Hongju Koh ; Sleepwalking Through History: America in the Reagan Years, Haynes Johnson
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 499-510

Faces of Internationalism: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy, Eugene R. Wittkopf
Reviewed by Bruce Russett

pp. 511-512

The Man Who Changed the World: The Lives of Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Gail Sheehy
Reviewed by Alexander Dallin

pp. 512-513

The Glasnost Papers: Voices on Reform from Moscow, Andrei Melville and Gail W. Lapidus
Reviewed by T. H. Rigby

pp. 514-515

Can Gorbachev Change the Soviet Union? The International Dimensions of Political Reform, Zdenek Mlynar ; Gorbachev in Power, Stephen White
Reviewed by Laurie P. Salitan

pp. 515-518

America's Misunderstood Welfare State: Persistent Myths, Enduring Realities, Jerry L. Mashaw, Theodore R. Marmor and Philip L. Harvey
Reviewed by Hugh Heclo

pp. 518-520

Assets and the Poor: A New American Welfare Policy, Michael Sherraden
Reviewed by Michael B. Katz

pp. 520-521

Rethinking the American Race Problem, Roy L. Brooks
Reviewed by Thomas F. Pettigrew

pp. 521-522

The Struggle for Auto Safety, Jerry L. Mashaw and David L. Harfst
Reviewed by Ralph Nader

pp. 523-525

The American Speakership: The Office in Historical Perspective, Ronald M. Peters, Jr.
Reviewed by Joseph Cooper

pp. 525-527

The Insecure Alliance: Energy Crisis and Western Politics Since 1944, Ethan B. Kapstein
Reviewed by Charles Issawi

pp. 527-528

The Myth of America's Decline: Leading the World Economy into the 1990s, Henry R. Nau
Reviewed by Aaron L. Friedberg

pp. 528-529

Worldwide Science and Technology Advice to the Highest Levels of Government, William T. Golden
Reviewed by Sanford Lakoff

pp. 530-531

The Persian Gulf War: Lessons for Strategy, Law, and Diplomacy, Christopher C. Joyner
Reviewed by Efraim Karsh

pp. 531-532

The Vietnam Wars, 1945-1990, Marilyn Young ; Where the Domino Fell: American and Vietnam 1945 to 1990, James S. Olson and Randy Roberts
Reviewed by Lloyd C. Gardner

pp. 532-534

Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance, Donald MacKenzie
Reviewed by Scott D. Sagan

pp. 534-536

The Rise and Decline of the Nation State, Michael Mann
Reviewed by Charles Tilly

pp. 536-537

Political Reform in Post-Mao China: Democracy and Bureaucracy in a Leinist State, Barrett L. McCormick
Reviewed by David Strand

pp. 537-539

U.S. National Security Policy and the Soviet Union: Persistent Regularities and Extreme Contingencies, Richard J. Stoll
Reviewed by Melvin A. Goodman

pp. 539-540

The New Right and the Constitution: Turning Back the Legal Clock, Bernard Schwartz
Reviewed by Gary L. McDowell

pp. 540-541

In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights in Action, Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy
Reviewed by Raymond H. Gusteson

pp. 542-543

The President in the Legislative Arena, Richard Fleisher and Jon R. Bond
Reviewed by Jean Reith Schroedel

pp. 543-544

Culture and Conflict in Egyptian-Israeli Relations: A Dialogue of the Deaf, Raymond Cohen
Reviewed by William B. Quandt

pp. 544-545

The Shattered Crystal Ball: Fear and Learning in the Cuban Missile Crisis, James G. Blight
Reviewed by James J. Wirtz

pp. 545-546

The Withering Away of the Totalitarian State...and Other Surprises, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
Reviewed by Saul Landau

pp. 546-548

Cuba and the United States: Ties of Singular Intimacy, Louis A. PĂ©rez, Jr. ; Cuba: The International Dimension, Georges Fauriol and Eva Loser
Reviewed by Juan Lindau

pp. 548-549

Socialism in Britain Since 1884, John Callaghan
Reviewed by Dennis Kavanagh

pp. 549-550

Bread and the Ballot: The United States and India's Economic Development, 1947-1963, Dennis Merrill
Reviewed by John Echeverri-Gent

pp. 550-551

The Child and the State in India: Child Labor and Education Policy in Comparative Perspective, Myron Weiner
Reviewed by Barbara D. Miller

pp. 552-553

A Street Is Not A Home: Solving America's Homeless Dilemma, Robert C. Coates
Reviewed by DeLysa Burnier

pp. 553-554

Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America, Frank Donner
Reviewed by Pamela D. Delaney

pp. 554-556

Policing As Though People Matter, Dorothy Guyot
Reviewed by Anthony Bouza

pp. 556-557

From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt: Federal Policy, Economic Development, and the Transformation of the South, 1938-1980, Bruce J. Schulman
Reviewed by Deil S. Wright

pp. 557-558

Perspectives on Political Economy, James Alt and Kenneth Shepsle
Reviewed by William A. Niskanen

pp. 558-560

Learning Together: A History of Coeducation in American Public Schools, David Tyack and Elisabeth Hansot
Reviewed by Guy B. Senese

pp. 560-561

The Power Elite and the State: How Policy Is Made in America, G. William Domhoff
Reviewed by Sidney Plotkin

pp. 561-562

Preventing A Biological Arms Race, Susan Wright
Reviewed by David S. Thaler

pp. 563-564

Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: In a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in Warsaw, Ralf Dahrendorf
Reviewed by Dankwart A. Rustow

pp. 564-565

Intelligence Requirements for the 1990s: Collection, Analysis, Counterintelligence, and Covert Action, Roy Godson
Reviewed by Dalton A. West

pp. 565-567

Thailand and the United States: Development, Security, and Foreign Aid, Robert J. Muscat
Reviewed by Michael Leifer

pp. 567-568

Warpaths: The Politics of Partition, Robert Schaeffer
Reviewed by Douglas Little

pp. 568-570

The Ordeal of Hegemony: The United States and Latin America, Guy Poitras Boulder
Reviewed by David R. Mares

pp. 570-571

Cautious Revolution: The European Community Arrives, Clifford Hackett
Reviewed by Joseph Gibbs

pp. 571-572

Narcoterrorism: How Governments Around the World Have Used the Drug Trade t Finance and Further Their Terrorist Activities, Rachel Ehrenfeld
Reviewed by Sanya Popovic

pp. 573-574

Conflict: Resolution and Prevention, John Burton
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 574-575

Three-Way Street: Strategic Reciprocity in World Politics, Joshua S. Goldstein and John R. Freeman
Reviewed by Ethan B. Kapstein

p. 576

New Soviet Thinking and U.S. Nuclear Policy, David B. Myers
Reviewed by James M. Goldgeier

pp. 577-578

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