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Volume 126 - Number 2 - Summer 2011

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The Drug War’s Impact on Executive Power, Judicial Reform, and Federalism in Mexico
Juan D. Lindau examines the impact of the drug war on critical aspects of Mexican democratization, namely the expansion in the scope of certain features of executive power, judicial reform, and the construction of substantive federalism. He concludes that the drug war has increased the power of the least-transparent, least-accountable institutions tied to the executive branch. It has also preserved practices that impinge on civil and human rights, while complicating judicial reform and the deepening of federalism.

pp. 177-200

Judicial Supremacy or Judicial Defense? The Supreme Court and the Separation of Powers
Katy J. Harriger argues that the U.S. Supreme Court's rejection of the George W. Bush administration's policies on the trials of Guantanamo detainees should be understood within the context of separation-of-powers jurisprudence. During this time, the Court has asserted itself as the “referee” of the separation-of-powers system and has consistently defended judicial power, often at the expense of congressional and executive power.

pp. 201-221

Paper Tiger? Chinese Soft Power in East Asia
GREGORY G. HOLYK uses survey data to examine the supposed rise of Chinese soft power and parallel decline of U.S. soft power in East Asia. He finds that contrary to conventional wisdom, Chinese soft power is relatively weak, while U.S. soft power remains strong.

pp. 223-254

Hispanic Public Opinion and Partisanship in America
MARISA A. ABRAJANO AND R. MICHAEL ALVAREZ examine Hispanic public opinion and partisanship in the United States. They find variations in Hispanics' policy views based on their ethnic identity, time in the United States, and previous experiences.

pp. 255-285

The Challenges of Decreasing Oil Consumption
STEVE A. YETIV AND ERIC S. FOWLER quantify the benefits for the United States of achieving hybrid-like efficiency in its vehicle fleet. They show not only how important such a move can be, but also that if Chinese consumers continue to buy inefficient vehicles at a fast pace, they will sap America's efficiency gains rather quickly. They argue that oil dependence is not only an American, but also a global problem that cannot be addressed seriously without multilateral cooperation.

pp. 287-313

Winner-Take-All Politics: A Review Essay
Jennifer Hochschild reviews the recently published Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer—And Turned Its Back on the Middle Class. In this seminal work, Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson analyze the sharp rise in income inequality in the United States and identify the policies and politics that have been adopted to work in favor of only the richest 1 percent of Americans. Hochschild finds it a persuasive and much-needed analysis.

pp. 315-320

The Decline and Fall of the American Republic, Bruce Ackerman
Reviewed by Rogers M. Smith

pp. 321-322

Living with the Dragon: How the American Public Views the Rise of China, Benjamin Page and Tao Xie
Reviewed by Andrew Scobell

pp. 322-324

China: The Pessoptimist Nation, William A. Callahan
Reviewed by Samuel S. Kim

pp. 324-325

Shifting Superpowers: The New and Emerging Relationships between the United States, China and India, Martin Sieff
Reviewed by Mark L. Haas

pp. 326-327

America's Uneven Democracy: Race, Turnout, and Representation in City Politics, Zoltan Hajnal
Reviewed by Wilbur C. Rich

pp. 327-328

Going to Extremes: How Like Minds Unite and Divide, Cass Sunstein
Reviewed by Nolan McCarty

pp. 328-329

Ruling Europe: The Politics of the Stability and Growth Pact, Martin Heipertz and Amy Verdun
Reviewed by David M. Andrews

pp. 330-331

Red Families v. Blue Families: Legal Polarization and the Creation of Culture, Naomi Cahn and June Carbone
Reviewed by Mark A. Smith

pp. 331-332

How Terrorism Ends: Understanding the Decline and Demise of Terrorist Campaigns, Audrey Kurth Cronin
Reviewed by Maria Rasmussen

pp. 332-333

A Community of Europeans? Transnational Identities and Public Spheres, Thomas Risse
Reviewed by Gustav Peebles

pp. 333-335

India, Pakistan, and the Bomb: Debating Nuclear Stability in South Asia, Sumit Ganguly and S. Paul Kapur
Reviewed by Il Hyun Cho

pp. 335-336

America's Global Advantage: US Hegemony and International Cooperation, Carla Norrlof
Reviewed by Giacomo Chiozza

pp. 336-337

Bad Advice: Bush's Lawyers in the War on Terror, Harold H. Bruff
Reviewed by Laura K. Donohue

pp. 337-339

Bush on the Home Front: Domestic Policy Triumphs and Setbacks, John D. Graham
Reviewed by Richard Skinner

pp. 339-340

Terrorizing Ourselves: Why U.S. Counterterrorism Policy Is Failing and How to Fix It, Benjamin H. Friedman, Jim Harper and Christopher A. Preble, eds.
Reviewed by Brigitte L. Nacos

pp. 340-341

Reforming Jim Crow: Southern Politics and State in the Age Before Brown, Kimberley Johnson
Reviewed by Richard Bensel

pp. 342-343

Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation, David Weimer
Reviewed by Kevin M. Esterling

pp. 343-344

The American Public Mind: The Issues Structure of Mass Politics in the Postwar United States, Byron E. Shafer and William J.M. Claggett
Reviewed by Matthew S. Levendusky

pp. 344-346

Britain's War on Poverty, Jane Waldfogel
Reviewed by James Midgley

pp. 346-347

Your Britain: Media and the Making of the Labour Party, Laura Beers
Reviewed by Jeff Ringer

pp. 347-348

The Politics of Welfare State Reform in Continental Europe: Modernization in Hard Times, Silja Häusermann
Reviewed by Daniel Béland

pp. 348-350

Recasting Welfare Capitalism: Economic Adjustment in Contemporary France and Germany, Mark I. Vail
Reviewed by William Chandler

pp. 350-352

Decentralization and Subnational Politics in Latin America, Tulia G. Falleti
Reviewed by Peter Kingstone

pp. 352-353

Political Competition, Partisanship, and Policy Making in Latin American Public Utilities, María Victoria Murillo
Reviewed by Alison Post

pp. 353-355

Political Corruption in Mexico: The Impact of Democratization, Stephen D. Morris
Reviewed by R. Douglas Hecock

pp. 355-356

A Nation of Emigrants: How Mexico Manages Its Migration, David Fitzgerald
Reviewed by Judith Adler Hellman

pp. 356-357

Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy, Kelly Greenhill
Reviewed by Tadeusz Kugler

pp. 357-359

Capital Ideas: The IMF and the Rise of Financial Liberalization, Jeffrey M. Chwieroth
Reviewed by Anastasia Xenias

pp. 359-390

Stability-Seeking Power: U.S. Foreign Policy and Secessionist Conflicts, Jonathan Paquin
Reviewed by Zachary Selden

pp. 360-362

Foreign Investment and Political Regimes: The Oil Sector in Azerbaijan, Russia, and Norway, Oksan Bayulgen
Reviewed by Tatiana Vashchilko

pp. 362-364

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