Content in

Volume 26 - Number 2 - June 1911

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A Local Study of the Race Problem
R. P. Brooks

pp. 193-221

Southern Non-Slaveholders in the Election of 1860
David Y. Thomas

pp. 222-237

Government by Judiciary
L. B. Boudin

pp. 238-270

The Apportionment of State Taxes in Oregon
J. H. Gilbert

pp. 271-289

The Government of India
Theodore H. Boggs

pp. 290-310

Record of Political Events
C. H. Hayes, E. M. Sait

pp. 349-380

The Interest of America in International Conditions, A. T. Mahan
Reviewed by P. S. Reinsch

pp. 311-312

Wool-Growing and the Tariff, Chester Whitney Wright
Reviewed by H. R. Mussey

pp. 312-313

Race Distinctions in American Law, Gilbert Thomas Stevenson
Reviewed by W. B. Hunting

p. 314

Work Accidents and the Law, Crystal Eastman
Reviewed by John Martin

pp. 315-317

Twenty Years at Hull House, with Autobiographical Notes, Jane Addams
Reviewed by Thomas C. Hall

pp. 317-319

La Crise Anglaise, Philippe Millet
Reviewed by A. G. Porritt

pp. 319-321

Land and Labour: Lessons from Belgium, B. Seebohm Rowntree

pp. 321-323

La Question Agraire en Italie: Le Latifundium Romain, Paul Roux
Reviewed by Jesse E. Pope

pp. 323-326

State Socialism in New Zealand, James Edward le Rossignol and William Downie Stewart

pp. 327-328

France Under the Republic, Jean Charlemagne Bracq

pp. 329-330

The Corsican; A Diary of Napoleon's Life in his own Words, R. M. Johnston

pp. 330-331

The Development of Religion: A Study in Anthropology and Social Psychology, Irving King

pp. 332-333

Das Florentiner Zunftwesen vom Vierzehnten bis zum Sechszehnten Jahrhundert, Alfred Doren
Reviewed by George Unwin

pp. 333-336

Die Besteuerung des Waldes, Heinrich Weber
Reviewed by Fred Rogers Fairchild

pp. 337-341

Theorie de l'Impot Progressif, Louis Suret
Reviewed by Frank L. McVey

pp. 341-343

Income Taxation: Methods and Results in Various Countries, K. K. Kennan
Reviewed by Carl C. Plehn

pp. 343-344

Modern Accounting, Henry Rand Hatfield
Reviewed by J. E. Sterrett

pp. 345-346

Introduction to Political Science, James Wilford Garner
Reviewed by E. M. Sait

pp. 346-347

Le Bulletin Mensuel de l' Institut de Sociologie Solvay, Emile Waxweiler
Reviewed by A. A. Tenney

pp. 347-348

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