Content in

Volume 31 - Number 3 - September 1916

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The Career of Mr. Asquith
Wallace Notestein

pp. 361-379

The Russian Offer of Mediation in the War of 1812
F. A. Golder

pp. 380-391

The Cream of Wheat Case
Sumner H. Slichter

pp. 392-412

The Allowance for Working Capital in a Rate Case
John Bauer

pp. 413-429

Fetter's Principles of Economics
A. C. Whitaker

pp. 430-444

The Reconstruction of the British Empire
R. L. Schuyler

pp. 445-452

English Field Systems, Howard Levi Gray
Reviewed by Harriett Bradley

pp. 453-456

Charity for a Hundred Years. History of the Monmouth Street Society, Bath, 1805-1904, Percy Vere Turner
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 456-458

The History and Economics of Transport, Adam W. Kirkaldy and Alfred Dudley Evans
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 458-460

Disturbed Dublin. The Story of the Great Strike of 1913-1914, Arnold Wright
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 460-461

Third Party Movements Since the Civil War, Fred E. Haynes
Reviewed by B. B. Kendrick

pp. 462-464

The Spanish Dependencies in South America, Bernard Moses
Reviewed by Roscoe R. Hill

pp. 464-466

The Operation of the Initiative, Referendum, and Recall in Oregon, James D. Barnett
Reviewed by Robert E. Cushman

pp. 466-469

The Case for the Shorter Work Day, Josephine Goldmark and Felix Frankfurter
Reviewed by Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 469-471

Law and Order in Industry, Julius Henry Cohen
Reviewed by Frank H. Streightoff

pp. 471-473

The Principles of Rural Credits, James B. Morman ; Theory of Cooperative Credit, H. Hemantakumar Ghosh
Reviewed by Donald S. Tucker

pp. 474-476

Railway Rates and Traffic, C. Colson, Christie Leedam, Travis Leedham and Charles Travis ; Railroad Accounting, William E. Hooper
Reviewed by Ernest Ritson Dewsnup

pp. 476-478

A Theory of Interest, Clarence Gilbert Hoag
Reviewed by J. M. Clark

pp. 479-480

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