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Volume 39 - Number 3 - September 1924

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The Attempt to Establish the Eight-Hour Day by International Action. I
Herbert Feis

pp. 373-413

The Taxation of Real Property in Denmark
Jens Warming

pp. 414-431

The English Workingmen and the American Civil War
Joseph H. Park

pp. 432-457

European Political Boundaries
S. Columb GilFillan

pp. 458-484

Electoral Reform and Organized Christianity in England I
W. G. H. Cook

pp. 485-499

Early Economic Thought: Selections from Economic Literature prior to Adam Smith, Arthur Ely Monroe ; Monetary Theory before Adam Smith, Arthur Ely Monroe

pp. 500-502

The Ku Klux Klan: A Study of the American Mind, John Moffatt Mecklin

pp. 502-505

The Life of the Right Hon. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, G.C.B, J. A. Spender
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 506-508

Absentee Ownership and Business Enterprise in Recent Times.--The Case of America, Thorstein Veblen
Reviewed by Lawrence K. Frank

pp. 509-512

The Prospects of Industrial Civilization, Bertrand Russell and Dora Russell
Reviewed by Paul H. Douglas

pp. 512-514

Revolutionary New England, James Truslow Adams
Reviewed by Ralph Volney Harlow

pp. 514-516

Erasmus, a Study of his Life, Ideals and Place in History, Preserved Smith
Reviewed by Austin P. Evans

pp. 516-518

Diplomatic Portraits; Europe and the Monroe Doctrine One Hundred Years Ago, W. P. Cresson
Reviewed by S. A. Korff

pp. 518-519

War Finances in the Netherlands up to 1918, M. J. Van der Flier
Reviewed by C. E. McGuire

pp. 520-521

The Problem of War and Its Solution, John E. Grant
Reviewed by F. H. Hankins

pp. 522-524

French Patriotism in the Nineteenth Century, traced in contemporary texts, H. F. Stewart and Paul Desjardins

pp. 524-526

The Burden of Unemployment. A Study of Unemployment Relief Measures in Fifteen American Cities, 1921-22, Philip Klein
Reviewed by H. Feldman

pp. 526-527

Employment, Hours and Earnings in Prosperity and Depression. United States, 1920-1922, Willford I. King
Reviewed by Otto T. Mallery

pp. 527-529

Child Labor and the Constitution, Raymond G. Fuller
Reviewed by Harry J. Carman

pp. 529-531

The Worker in Modern Economic Society, Paul H. Douglas, Curtice N. Hitchcock and Willard E. Atkins
Reviewed by W. E. Weld

pp. 531-532

Plans and Illustrations of Prisons and Reformatories, Hastings H. Hart
Reviewed by Arthur Evans Wood

pp. 533-535

Sociology and Political Theory, Harry Elmer Barnes
Reviewed by Robert T. Crane

pp. 535-536

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