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Volume 4 - Number 4 - December 1889

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New York's Constitutional Convention
Seth Low

pp. 553-562

The Economic Basis of Socialism
George Gunton

pp. 563-591

Statistics of Marriage and Divorce
Samuel W. Dike

pp. 592-614

Silver or Legal Tender Notes
Worthington Chauncey Ford

pp. 615-627

Materials for English Legal History. II
F. W. Maitland

pp. 628-647

Local Government in Prussia. I.
Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 648-666

Record of Political Events
Archie Emerson Palmer

pp. 707-728

Benjamin Franklin, John T. Morse
Reviewed by Paul Leicester Ford

pp. 667-668

George Washington, Louis Martin Sears
Reviewed by Worthington Chauncey Ford

pp. 668-672

A History of the Kansas Crusade, its Friends and its Foes, Eli Thayer and Edward Everett Hale
Reviewed by Robert Weil

pp. 672-673

The History of Land Tenure in Ireland, William Ernest Montgomery

pp. 673-675

Finance and Politics: An Historical Study, 1783-1885, Sydney Buxton
Reviewed by George Baden-Powell

pp. 676-678

Histoire et Diplomatie, de Broglie
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 678-679

Elements d'Economie Politique Pure, Léon Walras
Reviewed by Arthur T. Hadley

pp. 679-681

Der Naturliche Werth, Friedrich von Wieser
Reviewed by F. H. Giddings

pp. 681-684

English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (XIV. Century), J. J. Jusserand and Lucy Toulmin Smith
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 685-686

England in the Fifteenth Century, W. Denton
Reviewed by W. G. Ashley

pp. 687-690

Die Entstehung des Agrarschutzes in England, Richard Faber

pp. 690-691

Le Dottrine Finanziarie in Inghilterra tra la fine del Secolo XVII e la Prima meta del XVIII, G. Ricca-Salerno

pp. 691-692

Le Societa Cooperative di Produzione, Ugo Rabbeno

pp. 692-694

Un nouvel impot sur le Revenu, Gustave Koenig ; Les Reformes Fiscales, M. Jacques Lorrain, A. Raynaud and d'Augustin Galopin ; Die Reform der Direkten Steuern, L. Heinrich ; Zur Reform der Direkten Steuern in Preussen, E. Eynern

pp. 695-698

The Elements of Vital Statistics, Arthur Newsholme
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo Smith

pp. 698-701

Preussisches Staatsrecht, Conrad Bornhak

pp. 701-703

Traite de la Juridiction Administrative et des Recours Contentieux, E. Laferrière

pp. 703-704

La mer Territoriale au Point de vue Theorique et Pratique, Joseph Imbart Latour
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 705-706

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