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Volume 45 - Number 4 - December 1930

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Approaches to History II
Vladimir G. Simkhovitch

pp. 481-526

The Agricultural Policy of France
Rexford G. Tugwell

pp. 527-547

English Imperial Thinking, 1764-1783
Charles F. Mullett

pp. 548-579

Sovereignty at the Crossroads: A Study of Bodin
Max Adams Shepard

pp. 580-603

Austrian War Government, Joseph Redlich
Reviewed by Charles Seymour

pp. 604-606

La Fayette, Brand Whitlock
Reviewed by David S. Muzzey

pp. 608-611

Investments of United States Capital in Latin America, Max Winkler
Reviewed by Ernest Minor Patterson

pp. 614-615

State Banks and the Federal Reserve System, Charles E. Tippetts
Reviewed by W. Randolph Burgess

pp. 615-617

Bankers' Balances: A Study of the Effects of the Federal Reserve System on Banking Relationships, Leonard L. Watkins
Reviewed by H. Parker Willis

pp. 617-621

Porto Rico and Its Problems, Victor S. Clark
Reviewed by Paul Monroe

pp. 621-623

The Philippine Islands, W. Cameron Forbes
Reviewed by James A. Robertson

pp. 623-625

Principles of Judicial Administration, W. F. Willoughby
Reviewed by Pendleton Howard

pp. 625-628

The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy, Robert H. Ferrell
Reviewed by Louis Martin Sears

pp. 629-633

A History of Modern Culture. Volume I. The Great Renewal: 1543-1687, Preserved Smith
Reviewed by David S. Muzzey

pp. 633-635

The Rise and Fall of New France, George M. Wrong
Reviewed by Ralph Henry Gabriel

pp. 635-637

Agricultural Reform in the United States, John D. Black
Reviewed by R. G. Tugwell

pp. 637-640

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