Conflicts of Principle, Abbott Lawrence Lowell Reviewed by R. M. MacIver
pp. 255-256
Financial Condition and Operations of the National Government 1921-1930, W. F. Willoughby Reviewed by Robert Murray Haig
pp. 256-258
The Society of Nations: Its Organization and Constitutional Development, Felix Morley Reviewed by Clyde Eagleton
pp. 258-260
Theory of the Credit Standard, Hans Glückstadt Reviewed by H. Parker Willis
pp. 260-262
Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Japan: 1853-1895, Payson J. Treat Reviewed by Tyler Dennett
pp. 262-264
Our Times. Volume IV: The War Begins: 1909-1914, Mark Sullivan Reviewed by D. S. Muzzey
pp. 265-266
Die Revision der Pariser Friedens-Vertrage, Josef L. Kunz Reviewed by Pitman B. Potter
pp. 266-267
Essays on the Manchurian Problem, Shuhsi Hsü Reviewed by J. P. Chamberlain
pp. 267-268
Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England: The Wardrobe, the Chamber and the Small Seals, T. F. Tout Reviewed by C. H. McIlwain
pp. 269-271
Franklin Pierce, Roy Franklin Nichols Reviewed by John A. Krout
pp. 271-272
General Sales Taxation, Alfred D. Buehler Reviewed by Carl Shoup
pp. 272-274
Sun Yat-sen Versus Communism, Maurice William Reviewed by Frederick V. Field
pp. 274-277
International Guarantees of Minority Rights, Julius Stone Reviewed by Joseph S. Roucek
pp. 277-279
The Partition of Turkey: 1913-23, Harry N. Howard Reviewed by Donald C. Blaisdell
pp. 279-281
Great Britain and the Law of Nations: A Selection of Documents Illustrating the Views of the Government in the United Kingdom upon Matters of International Law. Volume I: States, Herbert Arthur Smith Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
pp. 281-283
Poland 1914-1931, Robert Machray Reviewed by Julia S. Orvis
pp. 283-285
John G. Carlisle: Financial Statesman, James A. Barnes Reviewed by Harry J. Carman
pp. 287-289
Die Kapitalfunktion des Kredits, Charlotte von Reichenau Reviewed by E. E. Agger
pp. 289-290
Lyautey, André Maurois and Hamish Miles Reviewed by Constant Southworth
pp. 290-292
National Sovereignty and Judicial Autonomy in the British Commonwealth of Nations, Hector Hughes Reviewed by A. Gordon Dewey
pp. 292-294
Talleyrand, Duff Cooper ;
Metternich, Arthur Herman Reviewed by Robert R. Ergang
pp. 294-296
The Cost of the War to Russia, Stanislas Kohn Reviewed by J. V. DePorte
pp. 296-299
The Making of Roumania: A Study of an International Problem, 1856-1866, T. W. Riker Reviewed by Ferdinand Schevill
pp. 299-301
Business Organization and Control, Charles S. Tippetts and Shaw Livermore Reviewed by T. W. B. Crafer
pp. 301-303
Fontes Juris Gentium. Series B. Digest of the diplomatic Correspondence of the European States, 1856-1871, Viktor Bruns Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
pp. 303-305
Peuples et Civilisations: Volume VII: La Fin du Moyen Age. Part I: La Desagregation du Monde medieval (1285-1453); Part II: L Annonce des temps nouveaux (1453-1492), Louis Halphen, Philippe Sagnac, Henri Pirenne, Augustin Renaudet, Édouard Perroy and Marcel Handelsman Reviewed by G. C. Sellery
pp. 305-306
George D. Herron and the European Settlement, Mitchell Pirie Briggs Reviewed by Robert C. Binkley
pp. 306-308