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Volume 48 - Number 3 - September 1933

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Design for Government
Rexford G. Tugwell

pp. 321-332

The Early Development of the Law of Contraband of War III
Philip C. Jessup, Francis Deak

pp. 333-358

The Occupation of Algiers in 1830: A Study in Anglo-French Diplomacy
J. E. Swain

pp. 359-366

Eugene Staley

pp. 367-385

The Amistad Claims: Inconsistencies of Policy
R. Earl McClendon

pp. 386-412

P. F. Brissenden

pp. 413-450

Planned Money, Basil P. Blackett
Reviewed by James W. Angell

pp. 451-452

Die Moderne Nation, Heinz O. Ziegler
Reviewed by Koppel S. Pinson

pp. 452-454

The Rise of the City: 1878-1898, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Reviewed by Roy F. Nichols

pp. 454-456

American Railroads: Four Phases of Their History, Winthrop M. Daniels
Reviewed by Leslie A. Bryan

pp. 456-458

The Theory of Monopolistic Competition, Edward Chamberlin
Reviewed by L. A. Morrison

pp. 458-460

The Bank for International Settlements at Work, Eleanor Lansing Dulles
Reviewed by James W. Angell

pp. 461-463

An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science, Lionel Robbins

pp. 463-465

The Administrative Control of Aliens, William C. Van Vleck
Reviewed by Max J. Kohler

pp. 465-467

Corn and Hog Surplus of the Corn Belt, Alonzo E. Taylor
Reviewed by O. S. Morgan

pp. 469-471

America in the Pacific: A Century of Expansion, Foster Rhea Dulles
Reviewed by Thomas A. Bailey

pp. 471-473

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