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Volume 54 - Number 1 - March 1939

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The United States in the Far East
Nathaniel Peffer

pp. 1-14

Notes on the Uses of Exactitude in Politics
R. G. Tugwell

pp. 15-28

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 II
Paul H. Douglas, Joseph Hackman

pp. 29-55

Labor's Political Contributions
Louise Overacker

pp. 56-68

The Front Populaire and the French Elections of 1936
J. W. Pickersgill

pp. 69-83

The Tendency to Obey Law
Thomas I. Cook

pp. 84-97

The Ramparts We Watch: A Study of the Problems of American National Defense, George Fielding Eliot
Reviewed by Edward Mead Earle

pp. 98-100

Peuples et Civilisations: Histoire Generale, Louis Halphen and Philippe Sagnac ; Peuples et Civilisations: Histoire Generale: Vol. XI: La Preponderance (1715-1763), Philippe Sagnac and Pierre Muret
Reviewed by Charles Downer Hazen

pp. 100-101

Political Philosophies, Chester C. Maxey
Reviewed by Raymond G. Gettell

pp. 101-103

Predecessors of Adam Smith: The Growth of British Economic Thought, E. A. J. Johnson
Reviewed by Joseph Dorfman

pp. 103-105

The Growth of Collective Economy, F. E. Lawley
Reviewed by Arthur Robert Burns

pp. 105-107

The National Capital and Other Statistical Studies, Josiah Stamp
Reviewed by Hans Neisser

pp. 107-108

Canada Looks Abroad, R. A. MacKay and E. B. Rogers ; The Canadians, G. M. Wrong
Reviewed by J. B. Brebner

pp. 109-111

Labor in Canadian-American Relations, Norman J. Ware, H. A. Logan and H. A. Innis
Reviewed by Robert B. Stewart

pp. 111-113

Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs. Volume I: Problems of Nationality, 1918-1936, W. K. Hancock and R. T. E. Latham ; The Empire in the World: A Study in Leadership and Reconstruction, Arthur Willert, B. K. Long, H. V. Hodson and E. Thomas Cook
Reviewed by Thomas P. Peardon

pp. 113-116

Ireland and the British Empire, 1937: Conflict or Collaboration?, Henry Harrison ; Modern Ireland, Cicely Hamilton
Reviewed by Warner Moss

pp. 116-118

Britain in Europe, 1789-1914: A Survey of Foreign Policy, R. W. Seton-Watson
Reviewed by G. Leighton LaFuze

pp. 118-120

Les Idees Traditionalistes en France de Rivarol a Charles Maurras, Alphonse V. Roche ; France Faces the Future, Ralph Fox
Reviewed by Jacques Barzun

pp. 120-122

Malaysia: A Study in Direct and Indirect Rule, Rupert Emerson ; French Indo-China, Virginia Thompson
Reviewed by Thomas E. Ennis

pp. 122-123

Soviet Trade and Distribution, Leonard E. Hubbard
Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 124-125

Proceedings and Debates of the British Parliaments Respecting North America. Volume IV: 1728-1739, Leo Francis Stock
Reviewed by Evarts B. Greene

pp. 125-127

Prices in Colonial Pennsylvania, Anne Bezanson, Robert D. Gray and Miriam Hussey
Reviewed by Walter B. Smith

pp. 127-128

Peaceful Change: An International Problem, C. A. W. Manning
Reviewed by Frederick Sherwood Dunn

pp. 128-129

Japanese Expansion on the Asiatic Continent: A Study in the History of Japan with Special Reference to Her International Relations with China, Korea, and Russia, Yoshi S. Kuno
Reviewed by Paul H. Clyde

pp. 130-131

The Diplomatic History of Georgia, John Tate Lanning
Reviewed by Max Savelle

pp. 131-132

Roger Sherman: Signer and Statesman, Roger Sherman Boardman
Reviewed by Jarvis M. Morse

pp. 134-135

Business and Modern Society, Howard T. Lewis and Malcolm P. McNair
Reviewed by R. S. Alexander

pp. 135-137

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