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Volume 54 - Number 4 - December 1939

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Autonomous Public Enterprise--The German Railways
Arthur W. Macmahon, W. R. Dittmar

pp. 481-513

Hopes and Fears of an American-German War, 1870-1915 I
Alfred Vagts

pp. 514-535

The National Socialist Doctrine of International Law and the Problems of International Organization
John H. Herz

pp. 536-554

Concepts of Taxable Income III
Paul H. Wueller

pp. 555-576

The Emergence of Unemployment Compensation III
Harry Malisoff

pp. 577-599

The Evolution of Finance Capitalism, George W. Edwards
Reviewed by Leland H. Jenks

pp. 600-602

The Theory of Investment Value, John Burr Williams
Reviewed by James W. Angell

pp. 602-605

Colbert and a Century of French Mercantilism, Charles Woolsey Cole
Reviewed by Abbott Payson Usher

pp. 605-607

Pursuit of Happiness: The Story of American Democracy, Herbert Agar
Reviewed by Roy F. Nichols

pp. 607-609

The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume XI: The Imperial Peace A. D. 70-192, S. A. Cook, F. E. Adcock and M. P. Charlesworth
Reviewed by M. I. Finkelstein

pp. 609-611

The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume XII: The Imperial Crisis and Recovery, A. D. 193-324. Volume V of Plates, S. A. Cook, F. E. Adcock, M. P. Charlesworth, N. H. Baynes and C. T. Seltman
Reviewed by Prescott W. Townsend

pp. 612-614

Tudor Puritanism: A Chapter in the History of Idealism, M. M. Knappen
Reviewed by William Haller

pp. 617-619

The Age of Reform, 1815-1870, E. L. Woodward
Reviewed by Walter P. Hall

pp. 619-620

The Rise of American Naval Power, 1776-1918, Harold Sprout and Margaret Sprout
Reviewed by Charles O. Paullin

pp. 621-622

American Shipping Policy, Paul Maxwell Zeis
Reviewed by Michael B. Scheler

pp. 622-624

The United States and World Organization, 1920-1933, Denna Frank Fleming
Reviewed by Harold S. Quigley

pp. 624-626

Survival: Through War and Revolution in Russia, D. Fedotoff White
Reviewed by H. H. Fisher

pp. 626-627

Trade Associations in Law and Business, Benjamin S. Kirsh and Harold Roland Shapiro
Reviewed by W. Edwards Beach

pp. 628-629

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