International Investment and Domestic Welfare: Some Aspects of International Borrowing and Lending in the Post-war Period, Norman S. Buchanan Reviewed by Ragnar Nurkse
pp. 254-257
Price and Related Controls in the United States, Seymour E. Harris Reviewed by A. F. W. Plumptre
pp. 258-259
Food or Famine: The Challenge of Erosion, Ward Shepard Reviewed by S. V. Ciriacy-Wantrup
pp. 259-262
The World's Hunger, Frank A. Pearson and Floyd A. Harper Reviewed by John Lindberg
pp. 262-263
International Cartels, Ervin Hexner and Adelaide Walters Reviewed by Robert A. Brady
pp. 264-266
Financing American Prosperity: A Symposium of Economists, Paul T. Homan and Fritz Machlup Reviewed by Alfred G. Buehler
pp. 266-268
Guideposts to a Free Economy: A Series of Essays on Enterprise and Government Finance, Harley L. Lutz Reviewed by Harvey W. Peck
pp. 268-270
Inflation and the American Economy, Seymour E. Harris Reviewed by Alfred G. Buehler
pp. 270-272
National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade, Albert O. Hirschman Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky
pp. 272-274
Unwritten Treaty, James P. Warburg Reviewed by Grayson Kirk
pp. 274-275
America: Partner in World Rule, William Henry Chamberlin Reviewed by Nathaniel Peffer
pp. 276-277
The United States and Britain, Crane Brinton Reviewed by J. B. Brebner
pp. 277-278
Soviet Politics: At Home and Abroad, Frederick L. Schuman Reviewed by John N. Hazard
pp. 278-280
Soviet Far Eastern Policy, 1931-1945, Harriet L. Moore Reviewed by Jesse D. Clarkson
pp. 280-281
Man and Society: The Scottish Inquiry of the Eighteenth Century, Gladys Bryson Reviewed by Roy Harvey Pearce
pp. 282-283
The Liberal Tradition: A Study of the Social and Spiritual Conditions of Freedom, William Aylott Orton Reviewed by Willson H. Coates
pp. 283-285
Law and Orders: An Inquiry into the Nature and Scope of Delegated Legislation and Executive Powers in England, Carleton Kemp Allen Reviewed by Robert Livington Schuyler
pp. 285-288
Political Reconstruction, Karl Loewenstein Reviewed by Lawrence H. Chamberlain
pp. 288-290
France, Yesterday and Today: A Short Survey, Katharine Munro Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié
pp. 290-292
China's Crisis, ANDREW J. NATHAN Reviewed by Paul H. Clyde
pp. 292-293
I Accuse de Gaulle, Henri de Kerillis Reviewed by Ellen Hammer
pp. 294-295
Brazil: People and Institutions, T. Lynn Smith Reviewed by Bailey W. Diffie
pp. 295-297
The Growth of Constitutional Power in the United States, Carl Brent Swisher Reviewed by John D. Millett
pp. 297-299
Woman as Force in History: A Study in Traditions an Realities, Mary R. Beard Reviewed by Mary S. Benson
pp. 299-300
Arms and Policy, 1939-1944, Hoffman Nickerson Reviewed by Edward Mead Earle
pp. 301-302
If Men Want Peace: The Mandates of World Order, Joseph B. Harrison, Linden A. Mander and Nathanael H. Engle ;
Let's Talk about the Peace, Henry G. Alsberg Reviewed by Leland M. Goodrich
pp. 302-304
Nationalities and National Minorities (With special reference to East- Central Europe), Oscar I. Janowsky and James T. Shortwell Reviewed by Oscar Jászi
pp. 304-306
League of Nations and National Minorities: An Experiment, P. de Azcárate and Eileen E. Brooke Reviewed by Mark Vishniak
pp. 307-308
The Lesson of Germany: A Guide to Her History, Gerhart Eisler, Albert Norden and Albert Schreiner Reviewed by Walter Consuelo Langsam
pp. 308-309
Balkan Background, Bernard Newman Reviewed by Joseph S. Roucek
pp. 310-311
The Arab Island: The Middle East, 1939-1943, Freya Stark Reviewed by E. A. Speiser
pp. 311-313
A Man from Kansas: The Story of William Allen White, David Hinshaw Reviewed by Robert A. East
pp. 313-314