Content in

Volume 61 - Number 3 - September 1946

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World War II: The Post-Mortem Begins
John D. Millett

pp. 321-348

Marxism in the U.S.S.R.--The Recent Revival
John S. Curtiss, Alex Inkeles

pp. 349-364

Technology and Race in Mexico
Frank Tannenbaum

pp. 365-383

The Administration of America's Pacific Islands
Thomas K. Hitch

pp. 384-407

The Mandates and the International Trusteeship Systems
William E. Rappard

pp. 408-419

Literature of the Labor Crisis
Herbert R. Northrup

pp. 420-433

Postwar Taxation and Economic Progress, Harold M. Groves
Reviewed by Donald B. Marsh

pp. 434-437

Beyond Supply and Demand: A Reappraisal of Institutional Economics, John S. Gambs
Reviewed by C. E. Ayres

pp. 437-439

Industrial Relations and the Social Order, Wilbert E. Moore
Reviewed by Murray Ross

pp. 439-441

National Interest and International Cartels, Charles R. Whittlesey
Reviewed by Myron W. Watkins

pp. 441-442

The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order, Percy E. Corbett, Arnold Wolfers, Frederick S. Dunn and Bernard Brodie
Reviewed by Lawrence H. Chamberlain

pp. 443-445

Peace, Security & the United Nations, Hans J. Morgenthau
Reviewed by Harry D. Gideonse

pp. 445-447

The Problem of War in Nineteenth Century Economic Thought, Edmund Silberner and Alexander H. Krappe
Reviewed by Gordon A. Craig

pp. 448-449

Prophets and Peoples: Studies in Nineteenth Century Nationalism, Hans Kohn
Reviewed by Jacques Barzun

pp. 449-451

Dictatorship and Political Police: The Technology of Control by Fear, Ernst Kohn-Bramstedt
Reviewed by Franz L. Neumann

pp. 451-453

Twentieth Century Political Thought, Joseph S. Roucek

pp. 453-455

The Complete Writings of Thomas Paine, Philip S. Foner ; Tom Paine: America's Godfather, 1737-1809, W. E. Woodward
Reviewed by Harry Hayden Clark

pp. 455-456

The Germans in History, Hubertus zu Loewenstein
Reviewed by Walter Consuelo Langsam

pp. 457-458

Black Ships off Japan: The Story of Commodore Perry's Expedition, George Sansom and Arthur Walworth
Reviewed by Henry F. Graff

pp. 458-460

France: A Short History, Albert Guérard
Reviewed by Shepard B. Clough

pp. 460-461

Iran, William S. Haas
Reviewed by Taraknath Das

pp. 461-464

America and Russia in the World Community, Harold H. Fisher and Frederick Hard ; American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: A Study in Diplomacy and Politics, 1875-1914, Edward H. Zabriskie
Reviewed by Foster Rhea Dulles

pp. 464-466

The Great War for the Empire: The Years of Defeat, 1754-1757, Lawrence Henry Gipson
Reviewed by Lawrence A. Harper

pp. 466-467

The Last Trek of the Indians, Grant Foreman
Reviewed by Willard W. Beatty

pp. 468-469

The Education of a Correspondent, Herbert L. Matthews
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 470-471

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