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Volume 8 - Number 1 - March 1893

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Mr. Marcy, the Cuban Question and the Ostend Manifesto
Sidney Webster

pp. 1-32

The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution
John Bassett Moore

pp. 33-47

Interest in Mandamus Cases
Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 48-57

Officialism in England
Ernest Wilson Huffcut

pp. 58-68

A Study in Vital Statistics
Walter F. Willcox

pp. 69-96

The Influence of Machinery Upon Employment
John A. Hobson

pp. 97-123

Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 124-136

Der Getreideterminhandel, David Kohn
Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

pp. 137-141

History of the English Landed Interest, its Customs, Laws and Agriculture, Russell M. Garnier
Reviewed by Charles M. Andrews

pp. 143-144

The Old English Manor: a Study in English Economic History, Charles McLean Andrews
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 144-147

Tratado de Hacienda Publica y Examen de la Espanola, José M. Piernas-Hurtado

pp. 147-149

Free Exchange, Louis Mallet
Reviewed by Edward Alsworth Ross

pp. 149-150

The Tariff Controversy in the United States, 1789-1833, Orrin Leslie Elliott
Reviewed by F. W. Taussig

pp. 151-152

Die Kolonization und die Agrarverfassung der Insel Nantucket im 17. und 18 Jahrhundert, A. Sartorius von Walters-Hausen
Reviewed by Lindley M. Keasbey

pp. 152-154

The Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times, W. Cunningham
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 155-157

Histoire du Commerce du Monde, Octave Noël
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 158-159

England and Rome, T. Dunbar Ingram
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 159-162

The Discovery of America, with some Account of Ancient America, and the Spanish Conquest, John Fiske
Reviewed by Edward G. Bourne

pp. 163-166

The Constitutional and Political History of the United States, H. von Holst and John J. Lalor
Reviewed by Wm A. Dunning

pp. 167-170

La Femme au point de vue du Droit Public, M. Ostrogorski

pp. 170-172

Imperial Federation: The Problem of National Unity, George R. Parkin
Reviewed by W. P. Trent

pp. 174-176

The Dialogues of Plato, B. Jowett
Reviewed by A. C. Merriam

pp. 176-180

Les Destinees de l'Arbitrage International depuis la Sentence rendue par le Tribunal de Geneve, E. Rouard de Card
Reviewed by John Bassett Moore

pp. 180-181

Principles of Ethics: Justice, Herbert Spencer

pp. 182-186

Lo Stato Moderno, Attilio Brunialti
Reviewed by George Louis Beer

pp. 186-187

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