Content in

Volume 73 - Number 2 - June 1958

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Alexander Hamilton: Rousseau of the Right
Cecelia M. Kenyon

pp. 161-178

Parliamentary Privilege and Political Morality in Britain, 1939-1957
Madeline R. Robinton

pp. 179-205

Soviet Foreign Economic Policy
Stanley J. Zyzniewski

pp. 206-233

Oil for the Lamps of Italy
Andrew Galbraith Carey

pp. 234-253

British Reactions to American Imperialism Reflected in Journals of Opinion 1898-1900
Geoffrey Seed

pp. 254-272

America as a Civilization: Life and Thought in the United States Today, Max Lerner
Reviewed by Marvin Meyers

pp. 273-275

Prelude to Independence: The Newspaper War on Britain, 1764-1776, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Reviewed by Philip Davidson

pp. 275-276

James K. Polk, Jacksonian, 1795-1843, Charles Grier Sellers
Reviewed by Richard Hofstadter

pp. 276-278

American Diplomacy in the Great Depression: Hoover-Stimson Foreign Policy, 1929-1933, Robert H. Ferrell
Reviewed by Nathaniel Peffer

pp. 278-280

The Isolationist Impulse: Its Twentieth-Century Reaction, Selig Adler ; Isolation and Security, Alexander DeConde
Reviewed by Paul Seabury

pp. 280-282

Limited War: The Challenge to American Strategy, Robert E. Osgood
Reviewed by Albert Norman

pp. 282-284

Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920. Vol. II: The Decision to Intervene, George F. Kennan
Reviewed by Frederick C. Barghoorn

pp. 284-285

The Roots of American Communism, Theodore Draper
Reviewed by Carroll Hawkins

pp. 285-287

Communism in Latin America, Robert J. Alexander
Reviewed by Lewis Hanke

pp. 287-289

Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Commonwealth, Geoffrey Marshall
Reviewed by Edward McWhinney

pp. 289-291

Sovereignty: An Inquiry into the Political Good, Bertrand de Jouvenel and J. F. Huntington
Reviewed by Neal Wood

pp. 291-293

As France Goes, David Schoenbrun ; The French Nation: From Napoleon to Petain, 1814-1940, D. W. Brogan
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 293-296

German Rearmament and Atomic War: The Views of German Military and Political Leaders, Hans Speier ; West German Leadership and Foreign Policy, Hans Speier and W. Phillips Davison
Reviewed by Gerard Braunthal

pp. 296-299

Behind the Rape of Hungary, François Fejtö
Reviewed by G. Charles Paikert

pp. 299-300

Bulgaria, L. A. D. Dellin ; Romania, Stephen Fischer-Galati
Reviewed by J. A. Rothschild

pp. 300-303

Yugoslavia, Robert F. Byrnes
Reviewed by Michael B. Petrovich

pp. 303-305

The Politics of Israel: The First Decade of Statehood, Marver H. Bernstein
Reviewed by Abraham M. Hirsch

pp. 305-307

Islam in Modern History, Wilfred Cantwell Smith ; Islam Inflamed: A Middle East Picture, James Morris
Reviewed by Charles Issawi

pp. 307-309

The Union of Burma: A Study of the First Years of Independence, Hugh Tinker
Reviewed by John Seabury Thomson

pp. 309-312

Japan Between East and West, Philip E. Mosely and Ernest A. Gross
Reviewed by Ardath W. Burks

pp. 312-314

The Myth of the Ruling Class: Gaetano Mosca and the "Elite", James H. Meisel
Reviewed by Bernard Barber

pp. 314-315

The Unconscious Motives of War: A Psycho-Analytical Contribution, Alix Strachey
Reviewed by Otto Klineberg

pp. 315-317

Britain's Postwar Dollar Problem, Elliot Zupnick
Reviewed by Leon Quinto

pp. 317-319

Organized Business in France, Henry W. Ehrmann
Reviewed by Shepard B. Clough

pp. 319-320

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