Content in

Volume 73 - Number 3 - September 1958

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The Truman and Eisenhower Doctrines in the Light of the Doctrine of Non- Intervention
Doris A. Graber

pp. 321-334

Marxism and Early Indonesian Islamic Nationalism
Fred R. von der Mehden

pp. 335-351

The Coughlin Movement and the New Deal
James P. Shenton

pp. 352-373

Public Opinion Research: A Contribution to Historical Method
Robert A. Kann

pp. 374-396

Parties and Voting in Canada: A Backward and Forward Glance in the Light of the Last Election
Dennis H. Wrong

pp. 397-412

John Locke and the Spirit of '76
Bernard Wishy

pp. 413-425

The United Nations, the United States Occupation and the 1948 Election in Korea
Leon Gordenker examines the Temporary Commission on Korea (UNTCOK), a subsidiary organ of the United Nations General Assembly, that greatly influenced the preparations for and conduct of the 1948 election in Korea.  He argues that despite a likely attack from North Korea, UNTCOK, with the support of the United States, allowed Koreans south of the thirty-eight parallel to go to the polls and begin to put together their own government. 

pp. 426-450

Selected Historical Essays of F. W. Maitland, Helen M. Cam
Reviewed by Charles F. Mullett

pp. 451-452

The King's Two Bodies: A Study in Mediaeval Political Theology, Ernst H. Kantorowicz
Reviewed by Ewart Lewis

pp. 453-455

King and Commons, 1660-1832, Betty Kemp
Reviewed by Reginald E. Rabb

pp. 455-456

Goldwin Smith: Victorian Liberal, Elisabeth Wallace
Reviewed by T. P. Peardon

pp. 456-457

Democracy in England, Diana Spearman
Reviewed by T. P. Peardon

pp. 458-459

The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, M. Rostovtzeff and P. M. Fraser
Reviewed by Elias J. Bickerman

pp. 459-460

The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Reviewed by William E. Leuchtenburg

pp. 460-463

Labor and the New Deal, Milton Derber and Edwin Young
Reviewed by Frank Freidel

pp. 463-465

The Heretic: The Life and Times of Josip Broz-Tito, Fitzroy Maclean ; Titoism: Pattern for International Communism, Charles P. McVicker
Reviewed by Alex N. Dragnich

pp. 465-466

Poland, Oscar Halecki ; Czechoslovakia, Vratislav Busek and Nicolas Spulber ; Hungary, Ernest C. Helmreich
Reviewed by Stephen Borsody

pp. 467-469

Imre Nagy on Communism: In Defense of the New Course, Frederick A. Praeger
Reviewed by Sidney Heitman

pp. 470-471

Defense of the Middle East: Problems of American Policy, John C. Campbell
Reviewed by George Kirk

pp. 472-473

Party Politics in India: The Development of a Multi-Party System, Myron Weiner
Reviewed by Gene D. Overstreet

pp. 473-475

The Smaller Dragon: A Political History of Vietnam, Joseph Buttinger
Reviewed by David N. Gidman

pp. 475-477

The Political Process and Foreign Policy: The Making of the Japanese Peace Settlement, Bernard C. Cohen
Reviewed by James William Morley

pp. 477-478

Small Town in Mass Society: Class, Power and Religion in a Rural Community, Arthur J. Vidich and Joseph Bensman

pp. 478-480

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