Content in

Volume 73 - Number 4 - December 1958

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The Origin of the Marshall Plan: A Study in Policy Formation and National Leadership
William C. Mallalieu

pp. 481-504

"Discordant Parties": A Study of the Acceptance of Party by Englishmen
Caroline Robbins

pp. 505-529

Point Four: Performance and Prospect
Jahangir Amuzegar

pp. 530-546

Hobbes among the Critics
J. B. Stewart

pp. 547-565

The Italian Elections of 1958--Unstable Stability in an Unstable World
Andrew Galbraith Carey

pp. 566-589

Dilemmas of Politics, Hans J. Morgenthau
Reviewed by Thomas I. Cook

pp. 590-592

Political Power and the Governmental Process, Karl Loewenstein
Reviewed by Arthur W. Macmahon

pp. 592-595

The Philosophy of Law in Historical Perspective, Carl Joachim Friedrich
Reviewed by Huntington Cairns

pp. 595-596

Vanished Supremacies: Essays on European History, 1812-1918, Lewis Namier
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 597-598

Amerikas Deutschlandpolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Kriegsund Friedensziele, 1941-1945, Günter Moltmann
Reviewed by John L. Chase

pp. 598-600

The Berlin Blockade: A Study in Cold War Politics, W. Phillips Davison
Reviewed by Lewis J. Edinger

pp. 600-601

Democracy in Western Germany, Richard Hiscocks
Reviewed by Walter L. Dorn

pp. 602-603

The House Without Windows: France Selects a President, Constantin Melnik, Nathan Leites and Ralph Manheim
Reviewed by Philip M. Williams

pp. 603-605

Lost Statesman: The Strange Story of Pierre Mendes-France, Alexander Werth
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 605-606

Mikhailovsky and Russian Populism, James H. Billington
Reviewed by Arthur P. Mendel

pp. 607-608

Factory and Manager in the USSR, Joseph S. Berliner
Reviewed by Seymour Melman

pp. 609-610

The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law: A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century, J. G. A. Pocock
Reviewed by R. K. Webb

pp. 610-611

British Pressure Groups: Their Role in Relation to the House of Commons, J. D. Stewart
Reviewed by Samuel H. Beer

pp. 612-613

An African Survey, Revised 1956: A Study of Problems Arising in Africa South of the Sahara, Lord Hailey
Reviewed by L. Gray Cowan

pp. 613-615

The Politics of Inequality: South Africa since 1948, Gwendolen M. Carter

pp. 615-616

African Economic Development, William A. Hance
Reviewed by Robert L. West

pp. 616-618

Japan and Her Destiny: My Struggle for Peace, Mamoru Shigemitsu, F. S. G. Piggott and Oswald White
Reviewed by Herschel Webb

pp. 618-619

The Diplomacy of Southeast Asia: 1945-1958, Russell H. Fifield
Reviewed by Fred R. von der Mehden

pp. 620-621

A History of Modern Burma, John F. Cady ; Building a Welfare State in Burma, 1948-1956, Frank N. Trager ; My Burma: The Autobiography of a President, J. S. Furnivall
Reviewed by John Seabury Thomson

pp. 621-624

Entangling Alliance: Politics and Diplomacy under George Washington, Alexander DeConde
Reviewed by Albert H. Bowman

pp. 624-625

The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government and Politics, 1835- 1864, Charles Grove Haines and Foster H. Sherwood
Reviewed by Gerald Gunther

pp. 626-628

The Republican Era: 1869-1901. A Study in Administrative History, Leonard D. White
Reviewed by Wallace S. Sayre

pp. 628-630

Southern Race Progress: The Wavering Color Line, Thomas J. Woofter
Reviewed by Rembert W. Patrick

pp. 630-631

Trujillo--Little Caesar of the Caribbean, German Ornes
Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander

pp. 632-633

The English Common Reader: A Social History of the Mass Reading Public, 1800-1900, Richard D. Altick
Reviewed by M. S. Wilkins

pp. 633-635

Explorations in Role Analysis: Studies of the School Superintendency Role, Neal Gross, Ward S. Mason and Alexander W. McEachern
Reviewed by Jiri Nehnevajsa

pp. 635-637

The Story of Advertising, James Playsted Wood
Reviewed by Edward C. Kirkland

pp. 637-638

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