Content in

Volume 76 - Number 3 - September 1961

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Walter Louis Dorn 1894-1961

p. 0

World Competition and the American Economy
Arthur F. Burns

pp. 321-331

The United States and the Admission of Communist China
William W. Boyer, Neylân Akra

pp. 332-353

Representativeness and Efficiency Dual Problem of Civil-Military Relations

pp. 354-366

The French Army Re-Enters Politics 1940-1955
George A. Kelly

pp. 367-392

British Labor's "New Left"
Stanley Rothman

pp. 393-401

Home Rule--A Critical Appraisal
Lyle E. Schaller

pp. 402-415

From Empire to Nation: The Rise to Self-Assertion of Asian and African People, Rupert Emerson
Reviewed by Dankwart A. Rustow

pp. 416-418

Politics and Culture in International History, Adda B. Bozeman
Reviewed by J. B. Duroselle

pp. 418-419

The Moulding of Communists: The Training of the Communist Cadre, Frank S. Meyer
Reviewed by William M. Goldsmith

pp. 420-421

The Transformation of Russian Society, Cyril E. Black
Reviewed by Leonard Schapiro

pp. 421-422

The Soviet Design for a World State, Philip E. Mosely and Elliot R. Goodman
Reviewed by Hugh Seton-Watson

pp. 423-424

The European Common Market and the GATT, James Jay Allen and Heinrich Kronstein ; Europe's Coal and Steel Community: An Experiment in Economic Union, Louis Lister
Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 425-427

The Necessity for Choice: Prospects of American Foreign Policy, Henry A. Kissinger
Reviewed by L. W. Martin

pp. 427-428

Congo: Background of Conflict, Alan P. Merriam
Reviewed by L. Gray Cowan

pp. 431-432

Nasser's New Egypt: A Critical Analysis, Keith Wheelock
Reviewed by Charles D. Cremeans

pp. 432-433

The State and the Trade Unions, D. F. Macdonald ; British Labor and Public Ownership, Herbert E. Weiner
Reviewed by Kurt L. Shell

pp. 434-435

Adenauer and the CDU: The Rise of the Leader and the Integration of the Party, Arnold J. Heidenheimer
Reviewed by Richard Hiscocks

pp. 436-437

The Future of Mankind, E. B. Ashton and Karl Jaspers
Reviewed by Judith N. Shklar

pp. 437-439

Plato's Cretan City: A Historical Interpretation of the Laws, Glenn R. Morrow
Reviewed by T. A. Sinclair

pp. 439-441

The American Historian: A Social-Intellectual History of the Writing of the American Past, Harvey Wish
Reviewed by Jacob E. Cooke

pp. 441-443

A History of Socialist Thought. Volume V: Socialism and Fascism, 1931-1939, G. D. H. Cole
Reviewed by Herbert A. Deane

pp. 443-444

The Political Reason of Edmund Burke, Francis P. Canavan ; Reflections with Edmund Burke, Timothy P. Sheehan
Reviewed by M. A. Fitzsimons

pp. 444-446

In Hard Times: Reformers Among the Late Victorians, Herman Ausubel
Reviewed by Samuel Clyde McCulloch

pp. 446-447

American Suffrage from Property to Democracy, 1760-1860, Chilton Williamson
Reviewed by Robert E. Brown

pp. 447-449

The Diplomacy of the Winter War: An Account of the Russo-Finnish Conflict, 1939-1940, Max Jakobson
Reviewed by Hans Peter Krosby

pp. 449-450

The Saar Conflict, 1945-1955, Jacques Freymond and John Goormaghtigh
Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 450-452

A German Community under American Occupation: Marburg, 1945-1952, John Gimbel
Reviewed by Gerard Braunthal

pp. 452-454

The United States and the Southwest Pacific, C. Hartley Grattan
Reviewed by Werner Levi

pp. 454-455

The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Management, Sumner H. Slichter
Reviewed by James W. Kuhn

pp. 455-458

Party Politics. Volume I: Appeal to the People. Volume II: The Growth of Parties, Ivor Jennings

pp. 458-460

The Meaning of Modern Business: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Large Corporate Enterprise, Richard Eells
Reviewed by Carl Kaysen

pp. 460-461

The Open and Closed Mind: Investigations into the Nature of Belief Systems and Personality Systems, Milton Rokeach
Reviewed by Otto Klineberg

pp. 462-464

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