Content in

Volume 79 - Number 3 - September 1964

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In Memoriam: John Maurice Clark

p. 0

In Memoriam: Frederick Cecil Mills

p. 0

In Memoriam: Nathaniel Peffer

p. 0

Kennedy in the Presidency: A Premature Appraisal
Richard E. Neustadt

pp. 321-334

Algeria, The Army, and the Fifth Republic (1959-1961): A Scenario of Civil-Military Conflict
George A. Kelly

pp. 335-359

Monetary Reform to Further Economic Development
Albert Gailord Hart

pp. 360-377

The Concept of Bureaucracy in Cameralism
Hubert C. Johnson

pp. 378-402

The National Security Council Under Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy
Stanley L. Falk

pp. 403-434

Shaping the Future: Foreign Policy in an Age of Transition, Robert R. Bowie
Reviewed by Dean Acheson

pp. 435-436

Power and the Pursuit of Peace, F. H. Hinsley
Reviewed by Oscar Schachter

pp. 437-439

The Making of Foreign Policy: An Analysis of Decision-Making, Joseph Frankel
Reviewed by Kenneth W. Thompson

pp. 439-440

The Political and Social Ideas of St. Augustine, Herbert A. Deane
Reviewed by Ewart Lewis

pp. 441-442

The Life of Niccolo Machiavelli, Roberto Ridolfi and Cecil Grayson
Reviewed by Eugene F. Rice

pp. 442-444

English Landed Society in the Eighteenth Century, G. E. Mingay
Reviewed by Jacob M. Price

pp. 444-446

The Age of Revolution, 1789-1848, E. J. Hobsbawm
Reviewed by Geoffrey Bruun

pp. 446-447

Munich, Keith Eubank ; Munich: Prologue to Tragedy, John W. Wheeler-Bennett
Reviewed by Herbert Feis

pp. 448-450

The Right in France, 1890-1919, Three Studies, D. M. Shapiro
Reviewed by Charles A. Micaud

pp. 450-452

Laval: A Biography, Hubert Cole
Reviewed by Gordon Wright

pp. 452-453

The Early Goebbels Diaries, 1925-1926, Helmut Heiber and Oliver Watson ; The Struggle for Germany, 1914-1945, Lionel Kochan
Reviewed by Gerhard L. Weinberg

pp. 453-455

Stalin's Foreign Policy Reappraised, Marshall D. Shulman ; The Soviet Union at the United Nations, Alexander Dallin
Reviewed by Leonard Schapiro

pp. 455-457

Plekhanov: The Father of Russian Marxism, Samuel H. Baron
Reviewed by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky

pp. 457-459

Poland, 1944-1962: The Sovietization of a Captive People, Richard F. Staar
Reviewed by Joseph Rothschild

pp. 459-461

The Enterprise of a Free People: Aspects of Economic Development in New York State During the Canal Period, 1792-1838, Nathan Miller
Reviewed by Julius Rubin

pp. 461-462

The United States and the First Hague Peace Conference, Calvin DeArmond Davis
Reviewed by Merze Tate

pp. 462-464

The Future of Federalism, Nelson A. Rockefeller ; Comparative Federalism: States' Rights and National Power, Edward McWhinney
Reviewed by William G. Carleton

pp. 464-465

The United States in World Affairs, 1962, Richard P. Stebbins ; Documents on American Foreign Relations, 1962, Richard P. Stebbins
Reviewed by Cecil V. Crabb

pp. 465-467

Black Nationalism, E. H. Essien-Udom
Reviewed by Immanuel Wallerstein

pp. 467-469

Studies in Frontier History: Collected Papers, 1928-1958, Owen Lattimore
Reviewed by C. Martin Wilbur

pp. 469-471

Indonesian Communism: A History, Arnold C. Brackman ; The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia, Herbert Feith
Reviewed by Fred R. von der Mehden

pp. 471-473

The Economics of Middle Eastern Oil, Charles Issawi and Mohammed Yeganeh ; Le Petrole et les Economies Arabes, Nicolas Sarkis
Reviewed by Helmut J. Frank

pp. 473-475

Jurisprudence: The Philosophey and Method of the Law, Edgar Bodenheimer
Reviewed by Edward J. Bloustein

pp. 475-477

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